Nova has two specs approved for Queens for filtering instance actions and migrations by the 'changes-since' filter, which filters on the updated_at field.

Those APIs don't take a sort key like the servers API does. Since the default sort keys for instances are (created_at, id), we said we'd do the same for instance actions and migrations:

When you filter instances using the changes-since filter, it applies to the updated_at field but the default sort key is still created_at (in descending order):

Since we're not adding sorting ability to the instance actions and migrations APIs, we just said we'd use the same defaults as for listing instances.

During the spec review, Alex Xu was asking why we don't sort by the updated_at column if the changes-since filter is applied. The only response is that's not what we do, by default, when listing instances and applying the changes-since filter and we're being consistent with those defaults.

So my question is, does anyone have a strong opinion on if we should default to sort by created_at but if changes-since is specified, we sort by updated_at? Does it matter?

Talk among yourselves.




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