On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 6:44 AM, Krzysztof Świątek
<krzysztof.swia...@corp.ovh.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> i have a question about alarms in openstack.
> I want autoscaling with heat, and I'm looking for metric/alarm project
> which I can use with heat.
> I found that I can use Monasca or Ceilometer (with Aodh).
> My question is:
> Is any of you using heat (autoscaling) in production?
> If yes what are you using (Monasca, Ceilometer, other) for metric and
> alarms, and why?

I don't think many people know that Monasca can be used with heat for
autoscaling, so it's good that you know. :)

That said, I think it's fairly safe to say that the most common of the
two in production for autoscaling will be ceilometer, and that is the
only one I've used in production. So, it's not to say that one is
better than the other, but rather that Ceilometer is more commonly
used. If it was me I would probably use Ceilometer unless I knew I
also wanted to provide monitoring as a service to my end users and did
not need to provide telemetry to them. Usually ceilometer is useful in
other areas, such as billing, etc.

Ceilometer and it's related systems have changed a lot recently for
the better to separate out some components into other projects like
panko and gnocchi and aodh. There are definitely retention and backend
storage type and tuning that have to be considered.


> --
> Pozdrawiam,
> Krzysztof Świątek
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