On Wed, Aug 02, 2017 at 04:56:13PM -0500, Juanjuan Li wrote:
:how does OpenStack calculate the vcpu hours, total disk usage hours
:I created a cirros VM with the flavor of m1.tiny without further operation
:on that VM.I created it around 2 hours ago but on the dashboard"Overview",
:it shows that "This Period's VCPU-Hours: 44.95 This Period's GB-Hours:
:44.95 This Period's RAM-Hours: 23014.62"
:Does anyone know how OpenStack come up with these numbers?I mean
:VCPU-Hours, GB-Hours, and RAM-hours?I just created a very small
:cirros VM without any further operations.How can this number look so big?
it a count of resources multiplied by time which i swhy ram looks so


<N> vcpu x hours   = VCPU-Hours
<N>GB disk x Hours = GB-Hours
<N>MB RAM x hours  = RAM-Hours

so 1hr or 1G RAM (1024MB) = 1024 RAM-Hours

Also they're scheduled hours not necesserily consumed, this is mostly
important for vCPU so vCPU is related to runtime not how many cpu
cycles were used.


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