Hi all,

Boston Summit is near, and we need your help and feedback! We really hope
to improve your orchestration experiences,
so *if you're a User, Operator, or Developer,* please join us on
*`Large Orchestration Stacks
session *(Wednesday, May 10, 5:20pm-6:00pm)*:
To discuss large stacks works and plan and we welcome any users/ops/devs to
join and give out your feedback or thoughts to help on improving
orchestration experiences.
*Here is the etherpad link so please share your opinions whether you're
coming to the summit or not.

If you wish to learn more detail on heat from beginner
welcome join our *`Heat- Project Onboarding
Forum session *(Tuesday, May 9, 2:00pm-3:30pm)*
Feel free to contact me and share what you would like to learn from this
session, which I will try my best to put something in.

And if you're interested in overall project update
welcome, join our *`Project Update - Heat
session (Monday, May 8, 5:30pm-6:10pm)*

Also, there are a lot of heat relative talks
so feel free to walk around and discover it out

May The Force of OpenStack Be With You,
Rico Lin (irc: ricolin)
OpenStack-operators mailing list

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