Excerpts from Jeremy Stanley's message of 2017-02-20 20:08:00 +0000:
> On 2017-02-20 14:36:15 -0500 (-0500), Clint Byrum wrote:
> > What exactly is the security concern of the metadata service? Perhaps
> > those concerns can be addressed directly?
> [...]
> A few I'm aware of:


> 1. It's something that runs in the control plane but needs to be
> reachable from untrusted server instances (which may themselves even
> want to be on completely non-routed networks).

As is DHCP

> 2. If you put a Web proxy between your server instances and the
> metadata service and also make it reachable without going through
> that proxy then instances may be able to spoof one another
> (OSSN-0074).

That's assuming the link-local approach used by the EC2 style service.

If you have DHCP hand out a metadata URL with a nonce in it, that's no
longer an issue.

> 3. Lots of things, for example facter, like to beat on it heavily
> which makes for a fun DDoS and so is a bit of a scaling challenge in
> large deployments.

These are fully mitigated by caching.

> There are probably plenty more I don't know since I'm not steeped in
> operating OpenStack deployments.

Thanks. I don't mean to combat the suggestions, but rather just see
what it is exactly that makes us dislike the metadata service.

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