Hello All , 

For a long time we are testing Ceph and today we also want to test GlusterFS

Interesting thing is maybe with single client we can not get IOPS what we
get from ceph cluster . (From ceph getting max 35 K IOPS for % 100 random
write and gluster gave us 15-17K  )
But interesting thing when add additional client to test its get same IOPS
with first client means overall performance is doubled  , couldn¹t test more
client but also interesting things is glusterfs do not use/eat CPU like Ceph
, a few percent of CPU is used.

I would like to ask with Openstack , anybody use GlusterFS for instance
workload ? 
Anybody used both of them in production and can compare ? Or share
experience ? 

Vahric Muhtaryan

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