Hi All,

We will have our bi-weekly meeting tomorrow at the usual time/place [1].

We'll continue our conversation from last meeting  regarding what a
minimum NFVi OpenStack deployment is. In particular we got a bit stuck
around the whether or not it would be "multi-cloud/site/region" and
what those terms actually mean, which is quite hard to define IMHO.

Please feel free to add to the agenda [2]!

I noticed that OPNFV has a project around multi-site/region [3] that
perhaps we should be looking into if we do decide that
multi-site/region is something we'd like to pursue.


[2]: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ops-telco-nfv-meeting-agenda
[3]: https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/multisite/Multisite+Deployment+Environment

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