------------------ ???????? ------------------
??????: "Edgar Magana";<edgar.mag...@workday.com>;
????????: 2016??7??8??(??????) ????10:13
????: "Claire Massey"<cla...@openstack.org>; 
????: [Openstack-operators] ACTION Needed - All WGs Chairs

Dear Working Groups Chairs,
As you know WGs present an opportunity to consolidate and increase the 
Community around OpenStack from the User and Operator perspective. One of the 
goals of the User Committee is to help WGs to have the resources  needed to 
achieve their specific goals and exactly as the TC validates and accepts 
development projects the UC needs to validate and accept WGs before they be 
granted with resources and support from UC and the OpenStack Foundation. 
In order to validate the current work and progress of the existing WGs under:  
The UC would like to have all chairs to reply to this thread with the status of 
the WG and their plans for the Barcelona summit. This is also an opportunity to 
have a space allocated to get together and discuss  about work and activities. 
This is only for existing WGs not for new ones. If we do not hear from WG 
Chairs, we will assume that those WGs are no longer active and therefore they 
will be removed from UC documentation.
Please, reach out to us with a short report of the activities (wikis, 
etherpads, repos, etc).
Edgar, Shilla and Jon
UC Members.
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