On 07-09-2015 10:29, Eren Türkay wrote:
> I am still stuck at this problem. Has anyone experienced it? I would be really
> happy if someone can give a tip regarding to the issue.

Hello all,

Sorry for the inconvenience. I misinterpreted the actual error. Instances could
reach to the namespace and netns proxy service but the proxy was sending HTTP
404 errors. That left me to the configuration issue. I fixed the
metadata_agent.ini (the nova URL was mistyped) and it was fixed.


Eren Türkay, System Administrator
https://skyatlas.com/ | +90 850 885 0357

Yildiz Teknik Universitesi Davutpasa Kampusu
Teknopark Bolgesi, D2 Blok No:107
Esenler, Istanbul Pk.34220

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