Hello. We're forced to use _base because nova wants them. But disks are raw and _base is just overhead.

Migration (we use cold migration with instance shutdown) with deleted images <s>was</s> is broken in havana, but we're using patch from icehouse (see attachment and https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1329313). I still didn't test it with juno (in process).

On 02/06/2015 12:11 AM, Joe Topjian wrote:
I'm curious: are you using _base files? We're not and we're able to block migrate instances based on deleted images or images that were public but are now private.

On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 2:42 PM, Belmiro Moreira <moreira.belmiro.email.li...@gmail.com <mailto:moreira.belmiro.email.li...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    We don't delete public images from Glance because it breaks
    migrate/resize and block live migration. Not tested with upstream
    Kilo, though.
    As consequence, our public image list has been growing over time...

    In order to manage image releases we use "glance image properties"
    to tag them.

    Some relevant reviews:


    On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 8:16 PM, Kris G. Lindgren
    <klindg...@godaddy.com <mailto:klindg...@godaddy.com>> wrote:

        In the case of a raw backed qcow2 image (pretty sure that¹s
        the default)
        the instances root disk as seen inside the vm is made up of
        changes made
on the instance disk (qcow2 layer) + the base image (raw). Also, remember
        that as currently coded a resize migration will almost always be a
        migrate.  However, since the vm is successfully running on the
        old compute
        node it *should* be a trivial change that if the backing image
        is no
        longer available via glance - copy that over to the new host
        as well.

        Kris Lindgren
        Senior Linux Systems Engineer
        GoDaddy, LLC.

        On 2/5/15, 11:55 AM, "Clint Byrum" <cl...@fewbar.com
        <mailto:cl...@fewbar.com>> wrote:

        >Excerpts from George Shuklin's message of 2015-02-05 05:09:51
        >> Hello everyone.
        >> We are updating our public images regularly (to provide them to
        >> customers in up-to-date state). But there is a problem: If some
        >> starts from image it becomes 'used'. That means:
        >> * That image is used as _base for nova
        >> * If instance is reverted this image is used to recreate
        instance's disk
        >> * If instance is rescued this image is used as rescue base
        >> * It is redownloaded during resize/migration (on a new
        compute node)
        >Some thoughts:
        >* All of the operations described should be operating on an
        image ID. So
        >the other suggestions of renaming seems the right way to go.
        >14.04" becomes "Ubuntu 14.04 02052015" and the ID remains in
        the system
        >for a while. If something inside Nova doesn't work with IDs,
        it seems
        >like a bug.
        >* rebuild, revert, rescue, and resize, are all very _not_
        cloud things
        >that increase the complexity of Nova. Perhaps we should all
        >their usefulness and encourage our users to spin up new
        resources, use
        >volumes and/or backup/restore methods, and then tear down old
        >One way to encourage them is to make it clear that these
        operations will
        >only work for X amount of time before old versions images
        will be removed.
        >So if you spin up Ubuntu 14.04 today, reverts and resizes and
        >are only guaranteed to work for 6 months. Then aggressively
        clean up >
        >6 month old image ids. To make this practical, you might even
        >a role, something like "reverter", "rescuer", "resizer" and
        only allow
        >those roles to do these operations, and then before purging
        >notify those users in those roles of instances they won't be
        able to
        >resize/rescue/revert anymore.
        >It also makes no sense to me why migrating an instance
        requires its
        >original image. The instance root disk is all that should matter.
        >OpenStack-operators mailing list

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Index: n/nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py
--- n.orig/nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py
+++ n/nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py
@@ -2343,7 +2343,8 @@ class LibvirtDriver(driver.ComputeDriver
                       disk_mapping, suffix='',
                       disk_images=None, network_info=None,
                       block_device_info=None, files=None,
-                      admin_pass=None, inject_files=True):
+                      admin_pass=None, inject_files=True,
+                      fallback_from_host=None):
         if not suffix:
             suffix = ''
@@ -2413,14 +2414,31 @@ class LibvirtDriver(driver.ComputeDriver
             if size == 0 or suffix == '.rescue':
                 size = None
-            image('disk').cache(fetch_func=libvirt_utils.fetch_image,
-                                context=context,
-                                filename=root_fname,
-                                size=size,
-                                image_id=disk_images['image_id'],
-                                user_id=instance['user_id'],
-                                project_id=instance['project_id'])
+            try:
+                image('disk').cache(fetch_func=libvirt_utils.fetch_image,
+                                    context=context,
+                                    filename=root_fname,
+                                    size=size,
+                                    image_id=disk_images['image_id'],
+                                    user_id=instance['user_id'],
+                                    project_id=instance['project_id'])
+            except exception.ImageNotFound:
+                if not fallback_from_host:
+                    raise
+                LOG.debug("Image %(image_id)s doesn't exist anymore "
+                          "on image service, attempting to copy %(root_fname)%"
+                          "image from %(host)s",
+                          dict(image_id=instance['image_ref'],
+                               root_fname=root_fname,
+                               host=fallback_from_host))
+                def copy_from_host(target, max_size):
+                    libvirt_utils.copy_image(src=target,
+                                             dest=target,
+                                             host=fallback_from_host,
+                                             receive=True)
+                image('disk').cache(fetch_func=copy_from_host,
+                            filename=root_fname)
         # Lookup the filesystem type if required
         os_type_with_default = disk.get_fs_type_for_os_type(
@@ -4641,7 +4659,8 @@ class LibvirtDriver(driver.ComputeDriver
         self._create_image(context, instance,
-                           block_device_info=None, inject_files=False)
+                           block_device_info=None, inject_files=False,
+                           fallback_from_host=instance.host)
         xml = self.to_xml(context, instance, network_info, disk_info,
Index: n/nova/tests/virt/libvirt/test_libvirt.py
--- n.orig/nova/tests/virt/libvirt/test_libvirt.py
+++ n/nova/tests/virt/libvirt/test_libvirt.py
@@ -7146,7 +7146,8 @@ class LibvirtDriverTestCase(test.TestCas
         def fake_create_image(context, inst,
                               disk_mapping, suffix='',
                               disk_images=None, network_info=None,
-                              block_device_info=None, inject_files=True):
+                              block_device_info=None, inject_files=True,
+                              fallback_from_host=None):
         def fake_create_domain(xml, instance=None, power_on=True):
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