
We have an user 'user1' in the tenant 'tenant1' with the assigned role

We want to be able to list services with this user. In the default
policy.json files we can find the following rules:

"admin_required": "role:admin or is_admin:1",
"identity:list_services": "rule:admin_required",

As expected 'keystone service-list' will fail with a HTTP error 403

Now we change the rule "admin_required" to

"admin_required": "role:_member_ or role:admin or is_admin:1".

As expected 'keystone service-list' is now working. But we want to be
able to only list services, with this modification of the admin_required
rule it is possible to list e.g. roles, too.

We undo the change to admin_required and change identity:list_services to

"identity:list_services": "rule:admin_required or role:_member_",

'keystone service-list' will fail with an HTTP error 403 ('admin_required').

We change identity:list_services to

"identity:list_services": "role:_member_",

'keystone service-list' will fail with an HTTP error 403 ('admin_required').

We change identity:list_services to

"identity:list_services": "@",

'keystone service-list' will fail with an HTTP error 403 ('admin_required').

It looks like the modifications of identity:list_services are ignored.

Any idea what we are doing wrong?


Christian Berendt
Cloud Solution Architect
Mail: bere...@b1-systems.de

B1 Systems GmbH
Osterfeldstraße 7 / 85088 Vohburg / http://www.b1-systems.de
GF: Ralph Dehner / Unternehmenssitz: Vohburg / AG: Ingolstadt,HRB 3537

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