Hi everyone,

i am getting below error while running below command

[root@localhost ~]# keystone tenant-create --name admin --description
"Admin Tenant"
An unexpected error prevented the server from fulfilling your request.
(HTTP 500)
[root@localhost ~]#

Prior to run this command i have done following :

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* Create tenants, users, and roles*

After you install the Identity service, create tenants (projects), users,
and roles for your environment. You must use the temporary administration
token that you created in the section called “Install and configure”
and manually configure the location (endpoint) of the Identity service
before you run *keystone* commands.

You can pass the value of the administration token to the *keystone*
command with the --os-token option or set the temporary OS_SERVICE_TOKEN
environment variable. Similarly, you can pass the location of the Identity
service to the *keystone* command with the --os-endpoint option or set the
temporary OS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT environment variable. This guide uses
environment variables to reduce command length.

For more information, see the Operations Guide - Managing Project and Users

*To configure prerequisites*

   1. Configure the administration token:
   $ export OS_SERVICE_TOKEN=1dd717043ad277e29edb
   $ export OS_SERVICE_TOKEN=294a4c8a8a475f9b9836
   2. Configure the endpoint:
   $ export OS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT=http://*controller*:35357/v2.0

​Please advise, how to fix this issue ?


Thanks & regards,
Anwar M. Durrani
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