Hi Abel,

Oh okay.  yes sure compute nod ecan access the controller. I have added it
in /etc/hosts

The current error is,  it couldn't find an endpoint.  is this related with
anything aboe you mentioned?

On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 11:56 AM, Abel Lopez <alopg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I know it's "Available ", however that doesn't imply attachment. Cinder
> uses iSCSI or NFS, to attach the volume to a running instance on a compute
> node. If you're missing the required protocol packages, the attachment will
> fail. You can have "Available " volumes, and lack tgtadm (or nfs-utils if
> that's your protocol).
> Secondly, Is your compute node able to resolve "controller"?
> On Wednesday, January 14, 2015, Geo Varghese <gvargh...@aqorn.com> wrote:
>> Hi Abel,
>> Thanks for the reply.
>> I have created volume and its in available state. Please check attached
>> screenshot.
>> On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 11:34 AM, Abel Lopez <alopg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Do your compute nodes have the required iSCSI packages installed?
>>> On Wednesday, January 14, 2015, Geo Varghese <gvargh...@aqorn.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Jay,
>>>> Thanks for the reply. Just pasting the details below
>>>> keystone catalog
>>>> ================================================
>>>> Service: compute
>>>> +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
>>>> |   Property  |
>>>> Value                            |
>>>> +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
>>>> |   adminURL  |
>>>> http://controller:8774/v2/e600ba9727924a3b97ede34aea8279c1 |
>>>> |      id     |
>>>> 02028b1f4c0849c68eb79f5887516299              |
>>>> | internalURL |
>>>> http://controller:8774/v2/e600ba9727924a3b97ede34aea8279c1 |
>>>> |  publicURL  |
>>>> http://controller:8774/v2/e600ba9727924a3b97ede34aea8279c1 |
>>>> |    region   |
>>>> RegionOne                          |
>>>> +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
>>>> Service: network
>>>> +-------------+----------------------------------+
>>>> |   Property  |              Value               |
>>>> +-------------+----------------------------------+
>>>> |   adminURL  |      http://controller:9696      |
>>>> |      id     | 32f687d4f7474769852d88932288b893 |
>>>> | internalURL |      http://controller:9696      |
>>>> |  publicURL  |      http://controller:9696      |
>>>> |    region   |            RegionOne             |
>>>> +-------------+----------------------------------+
>>>> Service: volumev2
>>>> +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
>>>> |   Property  |
>>>> Value                            |
>>>> +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
>>>> |   adminURL  |
>>>> http://controller:8776/v2/e600ba9727924a3b97ede34aea8279c1 |
>>>> |      id     |
>>>> 5bca493cdde2439887d54fb805c4d2d4              |
>>>> | internalURL |
>>>> http://controller:8776/v2/e600ba9727924a3b97ede34aea8279c1 |
>>>> |  publicURL  |
>>>> http://controller:8776/v2/e600ba9727924a3b97ede34aea8279c1 |
>>>> |    region   |
>>>> RegionOne                          |
>>>> +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
>>>> Service: image
>>>> +-------------+----------------------------------+
>>>> |   Property  |              Value               |
>>>> +-------------+----------------------------------+
>>>> |   adminURL  |      http://controller:9292      |
>>>> |      id     | 2e2294b9151e4fb9b6efccf33c62181b |
>>>> | internalURL |      http://controller:9292      |
>>>> |  publicURL  |      http://controller:9292      |
>>>> |    region   |            RegionOne             |
>>>> +-------------+----------------------------------+
>>>> Service: volume
>>>> +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
>>>> |   Property  |
>>>> Value                            |
>>>> +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
>>>> |   adminURL  |
>>>> http://controller:8776/v1/e600ba9727924a3b97ede34aea8279c1 |
>>>> |      id     |
>>>> 0e29cfaa785e4e148c57601b182a5e26              |
>>>> | internalURL |
>>>> http://controller:8776/v1/e600ba9727924a3b97ede34aea8279c1 |
>>>> |  publicURL  |
>>>> http://controller:8776/v1/e600ba9727924a3b97ede34aea8279c1 |
>>>> |    region   |
>>>> RegionOne                          |
>>>> +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+
>>>> Service: ec2
>>>> +-------------+---------------------------------------+
>>>> |   Property  |                 Value                 |
>>>> +-------------+---------------------------------------+
>>>> |   adminURL  | http://controller:8773/services/Admin |
>>>> |      id     |    8f4957d98cd04130b055b8b80b051833   |
>>>> | internalURL | http://controller:8773/services/Cloud |
>>>> |  publicURL  | http://controller:8773/services/Cloud |
>>>> |    region   |               RegionOne               |
>>>> +-------------+---------------------------------------+
>>>> Service: identity
>>>> +-------------+----------------------------------+
>>>> |   Property  |              Value               |
>>>> +-------------+----------------------------------+
>>>> |   adminURL  |   http://controller:35357/v2.0   |
>>>> |      id     | 146f7bbb0ad54740b95f8499f04b2ee2 |
>>>> | internalURL |   http://controller:5000/v2.0    |
>>>> |  publicURL  |   http://controller:5000/v2.0    |
>>>> |    region   |            RegionOne             |
>>>> +-------------+----------------------------------+
>>>> ==============================================
>>>> Nova.conf
>>>> ================================================
>>>> # This file autogenerated by Chef
>>>> # Do not edit, changes will be overwritten
>>>> [DEFAULT]
>>>> debug=False
>>>> verbose=False
>>>> auth_strategy=keystone
>>>> dhcpbridge_flagfile=/etc/nova/nova.conf
>>>> dhcpbridge=/usr/bin/nova-dhcpbridge
>>>> log_dir=/var/log/nova
>>>> state_path=/var/lib/nova
>>>> instances_path=/var/lib/nova/instances
>>>> instance_name_template=instance-%08x
>>>> network_allocate_retries=0
>>>> lock_path=/var/lib/nova/lock
>>>> ssl_only=false
>>>> cert=self.pem
>>>> key=
>>>> # Command prefix to use for running commands as root (default: sudo)
>>>> rootwrap_config=/etc/nova/rootwrap.conf
>>>> # Should unused base images be removed? (default: false)
>>>> remove_unused_base_images=true
>>>> # Unused unresized base images younger than this will not be removed
>>>> (default: 86400)
>>>> remove_unused_original_minimum_age_seconds=3600
>>>> # Options defined in nova.openstack.common.rpc
>>>> rpc_thread_pool_size=64
>>>> rpc_conn_pool_size=30
>>>> rpc_response_timeout=60
>>>> rpc_backend=nova.openstack.common.rpc.impl_kombu
>>>> amqp_durable_queues=false
>>>> amqp_auto_delete=false
>>>> ##### RABBITMQ #####
>>>> rabbit_userid=guest
>>>> rabbit_password=guest
>>>> rabbit_virtual_host=/
>>>> rabbit_hosts=rabbit1:5672,rabbit2:5672
>>>> rabbit_retry_interval=1
>>>> rabbit_retry_backoff=2
>>>> rabbit_max_retries=0
>>>> rabbit_durable_queues=false
>>>> rabbit_ha_queues=True
>>>> ##### SCHEDULER #####
>>>> scheduler_manager=nova.scheduler.manager.SchedulerManager
>>>> scheduler_driver=nova.scheduler.filter_scheduler.FilterScheduler
>>>> scheduler_available_filters=nova.scheduler.filters.all_filters
>>>> # which filter class names to use for filtering hosts when not
>>>> specified in the request.
>>>> scheduler_default_filters=AvailabilityZoneFilter,RamFilter,ComputeFilter,CoreFilter,SameHostFilter,DifferentHostFilter
>>>> default_availability_zone=nova
>>>> default_schedule_zone=nova
>>>> ##### NETWORK #####
>>>> # N.B. due to https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1206330
>>>> # we override the endpoint scheme below, ignore the port
>>>> # and essentially force http
>>>> neutron_url=http://controller:9696
>>>> neutron_api_insecure=false
>>>> network_api_class=nova.network.neutronv2.api.API
>>>> neutron_auth_strategy=keystone
>>>> neutron_admin_tenant_name=service
>>>> neutron_admin_username=neutron
>>>> neutron_admin_password=openstack-network
>>>> neutron_admin_auth_url=http://controller:5000/v2.0
>>>> neutron_url_timeout=30
>>>> neutron_region_name=
>>>> neutron_ovs_bridge=br-int
>>>> neutron_extension_sync_interval=600
>>>> neutron_ca_certificates_file=
>>>> linuxnet_interface_driver=nova.network.linux_net.LinuxOVSInterfaceDriver
>>>> firewall_driver = nova.virt.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver
>>>> security_group_api=neutron
>>>> service_neutron_metadata_proxy=true
>>>> neutron_metadata_proxy_shared_secret=secret123
>>>> default_floating_pool=public
>>>> dns_server=
>>>> use_ipv6=false
>>>> ##### GLANCE #####
>>>> image_service=nova.image.glance.GlanceImageService
>>>> glance_api_servers=http://controller:9292
>>>> glance_api_insecure=false
>>>> ##### Cinder #####
>>>> # Location of ca certificates file to use for cinder client requests
>>>> cinder_ca_certificates_file=
>>>> # Allow to perform insecure SSL requests to cinder
>>>> cinder_api_insecure=false
>>>> # Info to match when looking for cinder in the service catalog
>>>> cinder_catalog_info=volumev2:cinderv2:publicURL
>>>> ##### COMPUTE #####
>>>> compute_driver=libvirt.LibvirtDriver
>>>> preallocate_images=none
>>>> use_cow_images=true
>>>> vif_plugging_is_fatal=false
>>>> vif_plugging_timeout=0
>>>> compute_manager=nova.compute.manager.ComputeManager
>>>> sql_connection=mysql://nova:nova@loadbalancer:3306/nova?charset=utf8
>>>> connection_type=libvirt
>>>> ##### NOTIFICATIONS #####
>>>> # Driver or drivers to handle sending notifications (multi valued)
>>>> # AMQP topic used for OpenStack notifications. (list value)
>>>> # Deprecated group/name - [rpc_notifier2]/topics
>>>> notification_topics=notifications
>>>> # Generate periodic compute.instance.exists notifications
>>>> instance_usage_audit=False
>>>> # Time period to generate instance usages for.  Time period
>>>> # must be hour, day, month or year (string value)
>>>> instance_usage_audit_period=month
>>>> # The IP address on which the OpenStack API will listen. (string value)
>>>> osapi_compute_listen=
>>>> # The port on which the OpenStack API will listen. (integer value)
>>>> osapi_compute_listen_port=8774
>>>> # The IP address on which the metadata will listen. (string value)
>>>> metadata_listen=
>>>> # The port on which the metadata will listen. (integer value)
>>>> metadata_listen_port=8775
>>>> ##### VNCPROXY #####
>>>> novncproxy_base_url=http://controller:6080/vnc_auto.html
>>>> xvpvncproxy_base_url=http://controller:6081/console
>>>> # This is only required on the server running xvpvncproxy
>>>> xvpvncproxy_host=
>>>> xvpvncproxy_port=6081
>>>> # This is only required on the server running novncproxy
>>>> novncproxy_host=
>>>> novncproxy_port=6080
>>>> vncserver_listen=
>>>> vncserver_proxyclient_address=
>>>> vnc_keymap=en-us
>>>> # store consoleauth tokens in memcached
>>>> ##### MISC #####
>>>> # force backing images to raw format
>>>> force_raw_images=false
>>>> allow_same_net_traffic=true
>>>> osapi_max_limit=1000
>>>> # If you terminate SSL with a load balancer, the HTTP_HOST environ
>>>> # variable that generates the request_uri in webob.Request will lack
>>>> # the HTTPS scheme. Setting this overrides the default and allows
>>>> # URIs returned in the various links collections to contain the proper
>>>> # HTTPS endpoint.
>>>> osapi_compute_link_prefix = http://controller:8774/v2/%(tenant_id)s
>>>> start_guests_on_host_boot=false
>>>> resume_guests_state_on_host_boot=true
>>>> allow_resize_to_same_host=false
>>>> resize_confirm_window=0
>>>> live_migration_retry_count=30
>>>> ##### QUOTAS #####
>>>> # (StrOpt) default driver to use for quota checks (default:
>>>> nova.quota.DbQuotaDriver)
>>>> quota_driver=nova.quota.DbQuotaDriver
>>>> # number of security groups per project (default: 10)
>>>> quota_security_groups=50
>>>> # number of security rules per security group (default: 20)
>>>> quota_security_group_rules=20
>>>> # number of instance cores allowed per project (default: 20)
>>>> quota_cores=20
>>>> # number of fixed ips allowed per project (this should be at least the
>>>> number of instances allowed) (default: -1)
>>>> quota_fixed_ips=-1
>>>> # number of floating ips allowed per project (default: 10)
>>>> quota_floating_ips=10
>>>> # number of bytes allowed per injected file (default: 10240)
>>>> quota_injected_file_content_bytes=10240
>>>> # number of bytes allowed per injected file path (default: 255)
>>>> quota_injected_file_path_length=255
>>>> # number of injected files allowed (default: 5)
>>>> quota_injected_files=5
>>>> # number of instances allowed per project (defailt: 10)
>>>> quota_instances=10
>>>> # number of key pairs per user (default: 100)
>>>> quota_key_pairs=100
>>>> # number of metadata items allowed per instance (default: 128)
>>>> quota_metadata_items=128
>>>> # megabytes of instance ram allowed per project (default: 51200)
>>>> quota_ram=51200
>>>> # virtual CPU to Physical CPU allocation ratio (default: 16.0)
>>>> cpu_allocation_ratio=16.0
>>>> # virtual ram to physical ram allocation ratio (default: 1.5)
>>>> ram_allocation_ratio=1.5
>>>> mkisofs_cmd=genisoimage
>>>> injected_network_template=$pybasedir/nova/virt/interfaces.template
>>>> flat_injected=false
>>>> # The IP address on which the EC2 API will listen. (string value)
>>>> ec2_listen=
>>>> # The port on which the EC2 API will listen. (integer value)
>>>> ec2_listen_port=8773
>>>> ##### WORKERS ######
>>>> ##### KEYSTONE #####
>>>> keystone_ec2_url=http://controller:5000/v2.0/ec2tokens
>>>> # a list of APIs to enable by default (list value)
>>>> enabled_apis=ec2,osapi_compute,metadata
>>>> ##### WORKERS ######
>>>> ##### MONITORS ######
>>>> # Monitor classes available to the compute which may be
>>>> # specified more than once. (multi valued)
>>>> compute_available_monitors=nova.compute.monitors.all_monitors
>>>> # A list of monitors that can be used for getting compute
>>>> # metrics. (list value)
>>>> compute_monitors=
>>>> ##### VOLUMES #####
>>>> # iscsi target user-land tool to use
>>>> iscsi_helper=tgtadm
>>>> volume_api_class=nova.volume.cinder.API
>>>> # Region name of this node (string value)
>>>> os_region_name=RegionOne
>>>> # Override the default dnsmasq settings with this file (String value)
>>>> dnsmasq_config_file=
>>>> ##### THIRD PARTY ADDITIONS #####
>>>> [ssl]
>>>> # CA certificate file to use to verify connecting clients
>>>> ca_file=
>>>> # Certificate file to use when starting the server securely
>>>> cert_file=
>>>> # Private key file to use when starting the server securely
>>>> key_file=
>>>> [conductor]
>>>> use_local=False
>>>> [libvirt]
>>>> #
>>>> # Options defined in nova.virt.libvirt.driver
>>>> #
>>>> # Rescue ami image (string value)
>>>> #rescue_image_id=<None>
>>>> # Rescue aki image (string value)
>>>> #rescue_kernel_id=<None>
>>>> # Rescue ari image (string value)
>>>> #rescue_ramdisk_id=<None>
>>>> # Libvirt domain type (valid options are: kvm, lxc, qemu, uml,
>>>> # xen) (string value)
>>>> # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/libvirt_type
>>>> virt_type=kvm
>>>> # Override the default libvirt URI (which is dependent on
>>>> # virt_type) (string value)
>>>> # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/libvirt_uri
>>>> #connection_uri=
>>>> # Inject the admin password at boot time, without an agent.
>>>> # (boolean value)
>>>> # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/libvirt_inject_password
>>>> inject_password=false
>>>> # Inject the ssh public key at boot time (boolean value)
>>>> # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/libvirt_inject_key
>>>> inject_key=true
>>>> # The partition to inject to : -2 => disable, -1 => inspect
>>>> # (libguestfs only), 0 => not partitioned, >0 => partition
>>>> # number (integer value)
>>>> # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/libvirt_inject_partition
>>>> inject_partition=-2
>>>> # Sync virtual and real mouse cursors in Windows VMs (boolean
>>>> # value)
>>>> #use_usb_tablet=true
>>>> # Migration target URI (any included "%s" is replaced with the
>>>> # migration target hostname) (string value)
>>>> live_migration_uri=qemu+tcp://%s/system
>>>> # Migration flags to be set for live migration (string value)
>>>> # Migration flags to be set for block migration (string value)
>>>> block_migration_flag=VIR_MIGRATE_UNDEFINE_SOURCE,
>>>> # Maximum bandwidth to be used during migration, in Mbps
>>>> # (integer value)
>>>> live_migration_bandwidth=0
>>>> # Snapshot image format (valid options are : raw, qcow2, vmdk,
>>>> # vdi). Defaults to same as source image (string value)
>>>> snapshot_image_format=qcow2
>>>> # The libvirt VIF driver to configure the VIFs. (string value)
>>>> # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/libvirt_vif_driver
>>>> vif_driver=nova.virt.libvirt.vif.LibvirtGenericVIFDriver
>>>> # Libvirt handlers for remote volumes. (list value)
>>>> # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/libvirt_volume_drivers
>>>> #volume_drivers=iscsi=nova.virt.libvirt.volume.LibvirtISCSIVolumeDriver,iser=nova.virt.libvirt.volume.LibvirtISERVolumeDriver,local=nova.virt.libvirt.volume.LibvirtVolumeDriver,fake=nova.virt.libvirt.volume.LibvirtFakeVolumeDriver,rbd=nova.virt.libvirt.volume.LibvirtNetVolumeDriver,sheepdog=nova.virt.libvirt.volume.LibvirtNetVolumeDriver,nfs=nova.virt.libvirt.volume.LibvirtNFSVolumeDriver,aoe=nova.virt.libvirt.volume.LibvirtAOEVolumeDriver,glusterfs=nova.virt.libvirt.volume.LibvirtGlusterfsVolumeDriver,fibre_channel=nova.virt.libvirt.volume.LibvirtFibreChannelVolumeDriver,scality=nova.virt.libvirt.volume.LibvirtScalityVolumeDriver
>>>> # Override the default disk prefix for the devices attached to
>>>> # a server, which is dependent on virt_type. (valid options
>>>> # are: sd, xvd, uvd, vd) (string value)
>>>> # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/libvirt_disk_prefix
>>>> #disk_prefix=<None>
>>>> # Number of seconds to wait for instance to shut down after
>>>> # soft reboot request is made. We fall back to hard reboot if
>>>> # instance does not shutdown within this window. (integer
>>>> # value)
>>>> # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/libvirt_wait_soft_reboot_seconds
>>>> #wait_soft_reboot_seconds=120
>>>> # Set to "host-model" to clone the host CPU feature flags; to
>>>> # "host-passthrough" to use the host CPU model exactly; to
>>>> # "custom" to use a named CPU model; to "none" to not set any
>>>> # CPU model. If virt_type="kvm|qemu", it will default to
>>>> # "host-model", otherwise it will default to "none" (string
>>>> # value)
>>>> # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/libvirt_cpu_mode
>>>> # Set to a named libvirt CPU model (see names listed in
>>>> # /usr/share/libvirt/cpu_map.xml). Only has effect if
>>>> # cpu_mode="custom" and virt_type="kvm|qemu" (string value)
>>>> # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/libvirt_cpu_model
>>>> #cpu_model=<none>
>>>> # Location where libvirt driver will store snapshots before
>>>> # uploading them to image service (string value)
>>>> # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/libvirt_snapshots_directory
>>>> #snapshots_directory=$instances_path/snapshots
>>>> # Location where the Xen hvmloader is kept (string value)
>>>> #xen_hvmloader_path=/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader
>>>> # Specific cachemodes to use for different disk types e.g:
>>>> # file=directsync,block=none (list value)
>>>> # A path to a device that will be used as source of entropy on
>>>> # the host. Permitted options are: /dev/random or /dev/hwrng
>>>> # (string value)
>>>> #
>>>> # Options defined in nova.virt.libvirt.imagecache
>>>> #
>>>> # Unused resized base images younger than this will not be removed
>>>> (default: 3600)
>>>> remove_unused_resized_minimum_age_seconds=3600
>>>> # Write a checksum for files in _base to disk (default: false)
>>>> checksum_base_images=false
>>>> #
>>>> # Options defined in nova.virt.libvirt.vif
>>>> #
>>>> use_virtio_for_bridges=true
>>>> #
>>>> # Options defined in nova.virt.libvirt.imagebackend
>>>> #
>>>> # VM Images format. Acceptable values are: raw, qcow2, lvm, rbd,
>>>> default. If default is specified,
>>>> # then use_cow_images flag is used instead of this one.
>>>> images_type=default
>>>> [keystone_authtoken]
>>>> auth_uri = http://controller:5000/v2.0
>>>> auth_host = controller
>>>> auth_port = 35357
>>>> auth_protocol = http
>>>> auth_version = v2.0
>>>> admin_tenant_name = service
>>>> admin_user = nova
>>>> admin_password = openstack-compute
>>>> signing_dir = /var/cache/nova/api
>>>> hash_algorithms = md5
>>>> insecure = false
>>>> ========================================
>>>> Please check it.
>>>> On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 8:23 PM, Jay Pipes <jaypi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Could you pastebin the output of:
>>>>>  keystone catalog
>>>>> and also pastebin your nova.conf for the node running the Nova API
>>>>> service?
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> -jay
>>>>> On 01/14/2015 02:25 AM, Geo Varghese wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Team,
>>>>>> I need a help with cinder volume attachment with an instance.
>>>>>> I have succesfully created cinder volume and it is in available state.
>>>>>> Please check attached screenshot.
>>>>>> Later I tried to attach volume to an instance but attachment failed.
>>>>>> While checking logs in /var/log/nova/nova-api-os-compute.log
>>>>>> ========
>>>>>> 2015-01-13 19:14:46.563 1736 TRACE nova.api.openstack     res =
>>>>>> method(self, ctx, volume_id, *args, **kwargs)
>>>>>> 2015-01-13 19:14:46.563 1736 TRACE nova.api.openstack   File
>>>>>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/volume/cinder.py", line 206,
>>>>>> in get
>>>>>> 2015-01-13 19:14:46.563 1736 TRACE nova.api.openstack     item =
>>>>>> cinderclient(context).volumes.get(volume_id)
>>>>>> 2015-01-13 19:14:46.563 1736 TRACE nova.api.openstack   File
>>>>>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/volume/cinder.py", line 91, in
>>>>>> cinderclient
>>>>>> 2015-01-13 19:14:46.563 1736 TRACE nova.api.openstack
>>>>>> endpoint_type=endpoint_type)
>>>>>> 2015-01-13 19:14:46.563 1736 TRACE nova.api.openstack   File
>>>>>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cinderclient/service_catalog.py",
>>>>>> line
>>>>>> 80, in url_for
>>>>>> 2015-01-13 19:14:46.563 1736 TRACE nova.api.openstack     raise
>>>>>> cinderclient.exceptions.EndpointNotFound()
>>>>>> 2015-01-13 19:14:46.563 1736 TRACE nova.api.openstack EndpointNotFound
>>>>>> 2015-01-13 19:14:46.563 1736 TRACE nova.api.openstack
>>>>>> =========================================
>>>>>> I have already created endpints in v1 and v2.
>>>>>> Please check endpints I have created for cinder below
>>>>>> ============================================================
>>>>>> =============
>>>>>> root@controller:/home/geo# keystone endpoint-list | grep 8776
>>>>>> | 5c7bcc79daa74532ac9ca19949e0d872 | regionOne |
>>>>>> http://controller:8776/v1/%(tenant_id)s |
>>>>>> http://controller:8776/v1/%(tenant_id)s |
>>>>>> http://controller:8776/v1/%(tenant_id)s |
>>>>>> 8ce0898aa7c84fec9b011823d34b55cb |
>>>>>> | 5d71e0a1237c483990b84c36346602b4 | RegionOne |
>>>>>> http://controller:8776/v2/%(tenant_id)s |
>>>>>> http://controller:8776/v2/%(tenant_id)s |
>>>>>> http://controller:8776/v2/%(tenant_id)s |
>>>>>> 251eca5fdb6b4550a9f521c10fa9f2ca |
>>>>>> ============================================================
>>>>>> ===================
>>>>>> Anyone please help me. Thanks for the support guys.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Geo Varghese
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> OpenStack-operators mailing list
>>>>>> OpenStack-operators@lists.openstack.org
>>>>>> http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/
>>>>>> openstack-operators
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>>>>> OpenStack-operators mailing list
>>>>> OpenStack-operators@lists.openstack.org
>>>>> http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/
>>>>> openstack-operators
>>>> --
>>>> --
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Geo Varghese
>> --
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Geo Varghese

Geo Varghese
OpenStack-operators mailing list

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