On 6 November 2014 at 12:30:00, Michael Chapman (wop...@gmail.com) wrote:
Hi Operators!

I felt like OpenStack didn't have enough projects, so here's another one.

During the summit I feel like I'm repeatedly having the same conversations with 
different groups about bespoke approaches to operational tasks, and wrapping 
these in a project might be a way to promote collaboration on them.

Off the top of my head there's half a dozen things that might belong here:

 - Packaging tooling (spec files/fpm script/whatever)
 - (Ansible/other) playbooks for common tasks
 - Log aggregation (Logstash/Splunk) filters and tagging
 - Monitoring (Nagios) checks
 - Ops dashboards
A lot of that is about how to run OpenStack well, which sounds like the design 
& ops guides should be the starting point? 
(http://docs.openstack.org/arch-design/content/http://docs.openstack.org/ops/), with repo(s) of supporting/evolving tools & 
templates might be a good start?

(I’m not objecting to a separate operations project, but I think it would 
overlap with quite a lot of other projects, so we might get better traction & 
success by devoting effort there)

At the large deployment meeting 
(https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kilo-summit-ops-large-deployments), item 6 
was to contribute & review the content in the design & ops guides to better 
reflect feedback from operators who are running at scale, which I hope assumes 
more experienced than many environments.

I also started a brief conversation with Dan Bode at the end of the Puppet 
Design session on his thoughts for sharing common templates & techniques in a 
non configuration management specific fashion, and then consuming  them in your 
tool of choice (leveraging the entire community, not just the cfgmgmt tool of 
your choice)

There's also things that *might* belong here but maybe not:

 - Chef/Puppet/Ansible/Salt OpenStack config management modules

Today these are generally either wrapped up in products from various companies, 
or in each company's github repo.

For those of you who are still around at the design summit and don't have plans 
for tomorrow, how about we meet on Friday morning at the large white couch in 
the meridian foyer at 9am? Let's see what we can sort out.
I hope to be there!

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