On 1/14/20 2:08 PM, Clark Boylan wrote:
On Tue, Jan 14, 2020, at 1:49 PM, Saul Wold wrote:
Happy New Year!
Circling back on this after the holidays, where do we stand, I am about
to do another merge for the feature branch, since for the work we are
doing across repos is best via feature branch vs Depends-On as talked
about below.
We talked about only reporting an abbreviated commit message when doing
a merge commit, and I asked if a storyboard or launchpad was needed, did
I lose a reply?
I don't think so, it has been quiet. You can file a bug if you like, but I
expect that this is one of those cases where the quickest path to resolution
will be for someone on the StarlingX side to push up a change with the edits
that were suggested.
OK, I guess that falls to me! I need to set up appropriate testing,
unless there is some existing test area I can play with.
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