On Mon, Dec 9, 2019, at 3:28 PM, Joshua Hesketh wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've been dreading writing this for a while now but all good things 
> must come to an end. Due to changes at work and my inability to sustain 
> any significant contributions to the project I think that regrettably 
> it is time to resign from infra-core.
> It has been a wonderful experience contributing to OpenStack and 
> OpenDev I'll miss working with everybody and it has been an absolute 
> pleasure to get to know some of you both professionally and personally. 
> I will certainly miss you all and cannot understate how thrilled I am 
> to have had this chance to work with everyone. It has been a highlight 
> of both my career and in some cases my life.
> Having said that, I will still be around, so please do not hesitate to 
> contact me should you need my input on anything or if there is 
> something I can do to help. I also intend to still be involved with 
> Zuul in whatever capacity I can.
> I hope that our paths will cross again in the near future, and wish you 
> all all the best with the projects going forward. 
> Kind regards,
> Josh

Thank you for all the help over the years. I too have enjoyed working with you 
and am sad to make this change official. If you ever make it back towards 
openstack/opendev we'd be happy to add you into the core group again.

Also thank you for giving us the best Gerrit username ever: Turbo Hipster.

I wish you luck with your new endeavors and hope to see you around,

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