On Tue, Nov 12, 2019 at 7:17 PM Clark Boylan <cboy...@sapwetik.org> wrote:
> Going to do my best to summarize the events of the PTG for the Infra team. 
> Notes were taken at the event in this etherpad: 
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/OpenDev-Shanghai-PTG-2019. Feel free to ask 
> followup questions and I will do my best to answer them.
> Our PTG started with Gitea as two local Gitea maintainers were able to make 
> it to the event for half a day to talk to us. They are aware of the 
> performance problems we have experienced and it is important to them to get 
> these issues fixed as we are not the only users that have noticed. There is 
> also work in progress to implement elasticsearch hosted indexes for code 
> search and issue searching. The person working on this for code search is no 
> longer working on this PR so monty and jim will see if they can revive it.
> When asked where the Gitea project could use help it seemed these two items 
> were top of the list. If you want to get involved they use discord for 
> communictions: 
> https://discordapp.com/channels/322538954119184384/322538954119184384.
> Other things to keep in mind with Gitea is they are pushing to be self 
> hosted. There are web hooks that could be used to build a Gitea driver for 
> Zuul. This may be useful if we decide to perform third party CI for Gitea 
> when they are self hosted (and otherwise if people want to use Zuul and Gitea 
> together). Gitea exposes Prometheus metrics which we may want to start 
> recording in order to measure performance improvements over time as upstream 
> merges fixes. I was unable to find a Prometheus to statsd converter though so 
> we may need some infrastructure for this.
> Next up was OpenDev discussions. We talked about decoupling Zuul driven 
> deployments from our desire to implement automation of project management for 
> our hosted orgs. This was openstack and zuul et al could potentially start 
> self managing project creation prior to Zuul driven CD. To do this we would 
> likely have a cron run an ansible playbook. Then when Zuul driven CD is ready 
> on our side have it run that playbook instead of cron.
> We also talked about sending out the governance email (this is fairly high on 
> my todo list). Related to governance was formalizing the relationship a bit 
> more with our infrastructure donors and having proper liaisons (we have 
> informal liaisons today). Then using these liaisons to help push the benefits 
> of having us consume their clouds (we find bugs before customers, ensure that 
> cloud can handle fairly high level of load, etc).
> In our containerization efforts we heard from Monty that podman should be 
> ready to go. There is minor concern that the Ubuntu PPA is pulling 
> development updates rather than stable releases, but with newer software like 
> podman this may be desirable. We'll avoid rolling it out everywhere until we 
> have proper support for speculative testing and gating of containers with 
> podman in our Zuul jobs. Until then we'll keep it to the review(-dev) images 
> as they don't change often.
> Recently we've had trouble where our nodepool builder hosts are unable to 
> bootstrap new images because the host platform doesn't have zypper (bionic) 
> or can't uncompress fedora 31 RPM packages (xenial). It was pointed out that 
> something like 50% of possible DIB + build platform choices result in being 
> unable to build one image or another. To help address this Monty and Jim had 
> the idea that we could bypass direct bootstrapping and simply unpack upstream 
> docker images. Then we'd have a filesystem we can chroot into that includes 
> all necessary tools for that platform. To do this we do need to figure out 
> kernel management (as well as GRUB?) because container images don't typically 
> include this data.
> For the static.openstack.org rebuild mnaser has volunteered to help with job 
> changes on the OpenStack side of things. Ajaeger has also gotten this process 
> started. That means we need to go ahead and start provisioning AFS volumes to 
> publish into. For the DNS updates we talked about using the static.o.o hosted 
> names as a proving ground for the larger plan to CNAME all openstack.org 
> names into opendev.org. We don't need to batch that all up, but can if we are 
> happy with the results with static's previously hosted content.

Yep.  I'll be waiting for the green light that the AFS volumes are
ready and I'll proceed.

> We also talked about translation services as Zanata is no longer supported. 
> The i18n team is interested in using weblate, we (probably me?) need to reach 
> out to the weblate team to see if hosting an open source project the size of 
> openstack is outside of their scope for their normal open source hosting. If 
> it is then we can work with the OSF to see if using the paid hosting platform 
> for weblate is viable. If not we also have the option of possibly hosting our 
> own weblate.
> Finally there were discussions about Zuul specific topics. This email is 
> already quite long so I'll keep it scoped to the OpenDev/Infra topics. If 
> there is interest in a similar email re Zuul topics I can probably send one 
> out to the Zuul list.
> Clark
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