On Wed, Sep 4, 2019, at 9:53 AM, James E. Blair wrote:
> Hi,
> Monty and I attended the Gerrit User Summit and hackathon last week.  It
> was very productive: we learned some good information about upgrading
> Gerrit, received offers of help doing so if we need it, formed closer
> ties with the Gerrit community, and fielded a lot of interest in Reno
> and Zuul.  In general, people were happy that we attended as
> representatives of the OpenDev/OpenStack/Zuul communities and (re-)
> engaged with the Gerrit community.
> Gerrit Upgrade
> --------------
> We learned some practical things about upgrading to 3.0:
> * We can turn off rebuilding the secondary index ("reindexing") on
>   startup to speed both or normal restarts as well as prevent unwanted
>   reindexes during upgrades.  (Monty pushed a change for this.)
> * We can upgrade from 2.13 -> 2.14 -> 2.15 -> 2.16 during a relatively
>   quick downtime.  We could actually do some of that while up, but Monty
>   and I advocate just taking a downtime to keep things simple.
> * We should, under no circumstances, enable NoteDB before 2.16.  The
>   migration implementation in 2.15 is flawed and will cause delays or
>   errors in later upgrades.
> * Once on 2.16, we should enable NoteDB and perform the migration.  This
>   can happen online in the background.
> * We should GC the repos before starting, to make reindexing faster.
> * We should ensure that we have a sufficiently sized diff cache, as that
>   Gerrit will be able to re-use previously computed patchset diffs when
>   reindexing.  This can considerably speed an onlide reindex.
> * We should probably run 2.16 in production for some time (1 month?) to
>   allow users to acclimate to polygerrit, and deal with hideCI.
> * Regarding hideCI -- will someone implement that for polygerrit?  will
>   it be obviated by improvements in Zuul reporting (tagged or robot
>   comments)?  even if we improve Zuul, will third-party CI's upgrade?
>   do we just ignore it?
> * The data in the AccountPatchReviewDb are not very important, and we
>   don't need to be too concerned if we lose them during the upgrade.
> * We need to pay attention to H2 tuning parameters, because many of the
>   caches use H2.
> * Luca has offered to provide any help if we need it.
> I'm sure there's more, but that's a pretty good start.  Monty has
> submitted several changes to our configuration of Gerrit with the topic
> "gus2019" based on some of this info.

This is excellent information and makes the Gerrit upgrade seem far more 
doable. Thank you for this.

> Gerrit Community
> ----------------


> Reno
> ----


> Zuul
> ----
> Zuul is happily used at Volvo by the propulsion team at Volvo (currently
> v2, working on moving to v3) [2].  Other teams are looking into it.
> The Gerrit maintainers are interested in using Zuul to run Gerrit's
> upstream CI system.  Monty and I plan on helping to implement that.
> We spoke at length with Edwin and Alice who are largely driving the
> development of the new "checks" API in Gerrit.  It is partially
> implemented now and operational in upstream Gerrit.  As written, we
> would have some difficulty using it effectively with Zuul.  However,
> with Zuul as a use case, some further changes can be made so that I
> think it will integrate quite well, and with more work could be a quite
> nice integration.
> At a very high level, a "checker" in Gerrit represents a single
> pass/fail result from a CI system or code analyzer, and must be
> configured on the project in advance by an administrator.  Since we want
> Zuul to report the result of each job it runs on a change, and we don't
> know that set of jobs until we start, the current implementation doesn't
> fit the model very well.  For the moment, we can use the checks API to
> report the overall buildset result, but not the jobs.  We can, of
> course, still use Gerrit change messages to report the results of
> individual jobs just as we do now.  But ideally, we'd like to take full
> advantage of the structured data and reporting the checks API provides.
> To that end, I've offered to write a design document describing an
> implementation of support for "sub-checks" -- an idea which appeared in
> the original checks API design as a potential follow-up.
> Sub-checks would simply be structured data about individual jobs which
> are reported along with the overall check result.  With this in place,
> Zuul could get out of the business of leaving comments with links to
> logs, as each sub-check would support its own pass/fail, duration, and
> log url.
> Later, we could extend this to support reporting artifact locations as
> well, so that within Gerrit, we would see links to the log URL and docs
> preview sites, etc.
> There is an opportunity to do some cross-repo testing between Zuul and
> Gerrit as we work on this.
> Upstream Gerrit's Gerrit does not have the SSH event stream available,
> so before we can do any work against it, we need an alternative.  I
> think the best way forward is to implement partial (experimental)
> support for the checks API, so that we can at least use it to trigger
> and report on changes, get OpenDev's Zuul added as a checker, and then
> work on implementing sub-checks in upstream Gerrit and then Zuul.

How does triggering work with the checks api? I seem to recall reading the 
original design spec for the feature and that CI systems would Poll Gerrit for 
changes that apply to their checks giving them a list of items to run? Then as 
a future improvement there was talk of having a callback system similar to 
Github's app system?

> Conclusion
> ----------
> I'm sure I'm leaving stuff out, so feel free to prompt me with
> questions.  In general we got a lot of work done and I think we're set
> up very well for future collaboration.
> -Jim
> [1] 
> https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/dev-contributing.html#design-driven-contribution-process
> [2] 
> https://model-engineers.com/en/company/references/success-stories/volvo-cars/

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