I was trying to query gerrit using pygerrit2, requests and later curl just to 
find out that apparently our gerrit does not work with basic-auth.

$ cat ~/.netrc                                                                  
machine review.opendev.org login ssbarnea password pL1...EQ

$ curl -vn "https://review.opendev.org/changes/?q=owner:self%20status:open";     
* Server auth using Basic with user 'ssbarnea'
> GET /changes/?q=owner:self%20status:open HTTP/1.1
> Host: review.opendev.org
> Authorization: Basic c3NiY....VR
Must be signed-in to use owner:self

Note: user and password were taken from 
https://review.opendev.org/#/settings/http-password as we were supposed to.

Am I doing something wrong or if not, can we have this fixed?

Please note that I really want to be able to load credentials from .netrc file 
because that is more secure than dealing with credentials in your code. Also, 
all 3 tools mentioned above are able to load credentials from .netrc file.

Sorin Sbarnea
OpenStack-Infra mailing list

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