On Fri, Oct 19, 2018, at 3:36 AM, Whaley, Graham wrote:
> > Paul [0] and I [1] had both responded a while back with some thoughts on 
> > next
> > steps to make this possible, but those only went to the infra mailing list 
> > (I didn't
> > check if you were subscribed). Hopefully the steps there make sense and we 
> > can
> > move forward with something along those lines?
> Ah, mea culpa! - I should have made it clearer I was not subscribed to 
> the list, and pushed myself onto the CC. Apologies for that.
> Let's tackle what looks like the easier one first:
> > --- copied from the list ---
> > Yah, i think it would be great is we could use the JJB / grafyaml
> > workflow here where we store the view / dashboard in yaml then write a
> > job to push them into the application.  Then we don't need to deal with
> > public authentication.
> If I understand then, we'd set up a kata git repo (or somewhere in our 
> existing kata CI repo) to store the grafyaml files that define our 
> views, and upon merges, a JJB defined Zuul job would take those, convert 
> them to JSON and inject them into the grafana index of the elastic DB - 
> that sounds nice to me, and I think should be workable. I like that 
> flow.

You could put them in our existing grafyaml config, 
though this grafana is only configured to talk to our graphite server, 
http://graphite.openstack.org. This gets rendered at 
http://grafana.openstack.org. We can probably update that grafana instance to 
also look at an elasticsearch index (I'm not super familiar with how grafana is 
configured and if you can have multiple datastores in use at the same time).

> For the data injection itself then:
> > --- copied from the list ---
> > Currently all of our jobs submit jobs to the logstash processing system via 
> > the ansible role here [0]. That is then fed through our logstash 
> > configuration [1]. The first step > in this is probably to update the 
> > logstash configuration and update the existing Kata jobs in zuul to submit 
> > jobs to index that information as appropriate?
> Right, I think the logstash config will need updating to understand 
> there is metrics JSON being injected, and to pass it on. We'll have to 
> see how we get the filter for the JSON into that setup, and if we need 
> (or can) have the filebeat inject a specific tag for instance.
> I don't think the Zuul Ansible role will be applicable - the metrics run 
> on bare metal machines running Jenkins, and export their JSON results 
> via a filebeat socket. My theory was we'd then add the socket input to 
> the logstash server to receive from that filebeat - as in my gist at 
> https://gist.github.com/grahamwhaley/aa730e6bbd6a8ceab82129042b186467

I don't think we would want to expose write access to the unauthenticated 
logstash and elasticsearch system to external systems. The thing that makes 
this secure today is we (community infrastructure team) control the existing 
writers. The existing writers are available for your use (see below) should you 
decide to use them.

> One crux here is that the metrics have to run on a machine with 
> guaranteed performance (so not a shared/virtual cloud instance), and 
> hence currently run under Jenkins and not on the OSF/Zuul CI infra.

Zuul (by way of Nodepool) can speak to arbitrary machines as long as they speak 
an ansible connection protocol. In this case the default of ssh would probably 
work when tied to nodepool's static instance driver. The community 
infrastructure happens to only talk to cloud VMs today because that is what we 
have been given access to, but should be able to talk to other resources if 
people show up with them.

> Let me know you see any issues with that Jenkins/filebeat/socket/JSON flow.
> I need to deploy a new machine to process master branch merges to 
> generate the data (currently we have a machine that is processing PRs at 
> submission, not merge, which is not the data we want to track long 
> term). I'll let you know when I have that up and running. If we wanted 
> to move on this earlier, then I could inject data to a test index from 
> my local test setup - all it would need I believe is the valid keys for 
> the filebeat->logstash connection.
> > Clark
> Thanks!
>   Graham (now on copy ;-)

Ideally we'd make use of the existing community infrastructure as much as 
possible to make this sustainable and secure. We are happy to modify our 
existing tooling as necessary to do this. Update the logstash configuration, 
add Nodepool resources, have grafana talk to elasticsearch, and so on.


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