Hello Lovers of Task Tracking! So! We talked about a lot of things, and I went to a lot of rooms to talk about StoryBoard related things and it was already a week ago so bear with me.
We had a lot of good discussions as we were able to include SotK in discussions via videocalling. We also had the privilege of our outreachy intern to come all the way from Cairo to Denver to join us :) Onto the summaries! Story Attachments ============== This topic has started coming up with increasing regularity. Currently, StoryBoard doesn’t support attachments, but it’s a feature that several projects claim to be blocking their migration. The current work around is either to trim down logs and paste the relevant section, or to host the file elsewhere and link to its location. After consulting with the infrastructure team, we concluded that currently, there is no donated storage. The next step is for me to draft a spec detailing our requirements and implementation details and then to include infra on the review to help them have something concrete to go to vendors with. For notes on the proposed method see the etherpad[1]. One other thing discussed during this topic was how we could maybe migrate the current attachments. This isn’t supported by the migration script at this point, but it’s something we could write a separate script for. It should be separate because it would be a painfully slow process and we wouldn’t want to slow down the migration script more than it already is by the Launchpad API. The attachments script would be run after the initial migration; that being said, everything still persists in Launchpad so things can still be referenced there. Handling Duplicate Stories ==================== This is also an ongoing topic for discussion. Duplicate stories if not handled properly could dilute the database as we get more projects migrated over. The plan we settled on is to add a ‘Mark as Duplicate’ button to the webclient and corresponding functions to the API. The user would be prompted for a link to the master story. The master story would get a new timeline event that would have the link to the duplicate and the duplicate story would have all tasks auto marked as invalid (aside from those marked as merged) so that the story then shows as inactive. The duplicate story could also get a timeline event that explains what happened and links to the master story. I’ve yet to create a story for all of this, but it’s on my todo list. Handling Thousands of Comments Per Story ================================== There’s this special flower story[2] that has literally thousands of comments on it because of all of the gerrit comments being added to the timeline for all the patches for all the tasks. Rendering of the timeline portion of the webpage in the webclient is virtually impossible. It will load the tasks and then hang forever. The discussion around this boiled down to this: other task trackers also can’t handle this and there is a better way to divvy up the story into several stories and contain them in a worklist for future, similar work. For now, users can select what they want to load in their timeline views for stories, so by unmarking all of the timeline events in their preferences, the story will load completely sans timeline details. Another solution we discussed to help alleviate the timeline load on stories with lots of tasks is to have a task field that links to the review, rather than a comment from gerrit every time a new patch gets pushed. Essentially we want to focus on cleaning up the timeline rather than just going straight to a pagination type of solution. It was also concluded that we want to add another user preference for page sizes of 1000. Tasks have not been created in the story related to this issue yet[3], but its on my todo list. Project Group Descriptions ===================== There was a request to have project group descriptions, but currently there is nothing in the API handling this. Discussion concluded with agreement that this shouldn’t be too difficult. All that needs to happen is a few additions to the API and the connection to managing group definitions in project-config. I still need to make a story for this. Translating storyboard-webclient ========================= There was an infrastructure mailing list thread a little while back that kicked off discussion on this topic. It was received as an interesting idea and could help with the adoption of StoryBoard outside of OpenStack. The biggest concern was communicating to users that are seeing the webclient rendered in some other language that they still need to create tasks/stories/worklists/boards in English or whatever the default language is for the organization that is hosting StoryBoard. This could be a banner when someone logs in, or something on user’s dashboards. One of the things that needs to happen first is to find libraries for javascript and angular for signaling what strings need to be translated. We didn’t really outline next steps past that as it’s not super high priority, but it’s definitely an effort we would support if someone wanted to start driving it forward. Easier Rollback for Webclient Continuous Deployment ========================================= With the puppet-storyboard module we deploy from tarballs instead of from git right now, and we don't preserve earlier tarballs which makes it difficult to rollback changes when we find issues. There wasn’t a ton of discussion besides, yes we need to figure this out. Pre-zuulv3 we uploaded tarballs with the git sha, if we apply that to publish-openstack-javascript-content, that might help the situation. Managing Project Coresec Groups ========================== The vast majority of work on private stories has been implemented. Stories can be marked as private and users can subscribe other users to those private stories so that only those people can see them. The only convenience that is currently lacking is adding groups of users (manually or automatically if in a template story). Groups of users are currently only managed by StoryBoard admins. We would like to make this managed in a repository or by proxying gerrit group management. This shouldn’t be too complicated a change, it would only require some sort of flag being set for a group definition and then some database migration to sync those groups into the StoryBoard database. If you have opinions on this topic, it’s not all set in stone and we would love to hear your thoughts! Searching ======== It’s become apparent that while the search and type ahead features of StoryBoard work better than most users think at first glance, it’s an issue that users struggle with searching as much as they do. We talked about possible solutions for this aside from writing documentation to cover searching in the webclient. The solution we talked about most was that it might be easier for our users if we used the gerrit query language as that is what the majority of our users are already familiar with. The next step here is to write a spec for using the gerrit query language- or some other language if users disagree about using the gerrit language. Show all OpenStack Repos in StoryBoard? ================================ Are we getting to the point where it would be helpful for the users of StoryBoard to be able to add tasks to stories for all the repos not already migrated to StoryBoard? This would be incredibly helpful for things like release goal tracking where many repos that haven’t been migrated had tasks that were assigned to governance instead of the actual repo so as to be able to track everything in a single story. This is something we will want to take up with the TC during a set of office hours in the next week or so. Summary & Continuing Conversations ============================= My brain is mush. Hopefully I covered the majority of the important topics and did them justice! Anyone that was there, please feel free to correct me. Anyone that wasn’t there that is interested in getting involved with any of this, please join us in #storyboard on IRC or email us with the [Storyboard] tag to the dev or infra mailing lists. We also have weekly meetings[4] on Wednesdays at 19:00 UTC, please join us! I've got a lot of stories to make/update and tasks to add.. Thanks! -Kendall Nelson (diablo_rojo) [1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/sb-stein-ptg-planning [2] https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2002586 [3] https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2003525 [4] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/#StoryBoard_Meeting
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