I'm using these versions:
nodepool 0.3.0 (yes a bit old, looks like 0.4.1 is current, but the code in
this area seems to be the same).
python-jenkins 0.4.13
zuul 2.1.1
jenkins 1.651.2
ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
diskimage-builder 1.26.1

Images create ok, nodes are created in jenkins with my images and jobs are
dispatched to the jenkins slaves the node pool creates. All is well.

However, when nodepool tries to delete a slave in jenkins, I get this

2017-02-06 14:10:01,096 ERROR nodepool.NodeDeleter: Exception deleting node
..... skipped stack trace ...
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 531, in http_error_default
    raise HTTPError(req.get_full_url(), code, msg, hdrs, fp)
HTTPError: HTTP Error 405: Method Not Allowed

Digging through the code, it appears that nodepool via python-jenkins is
really just doing this, which returns the 405.


If a do a similar thing from the jenkins dashboard, just plunking in  that
url in a browser after I'm authenticated to jenkins. Jenkins tells me I
must to do an HTTP POST not a GET and the code returned is a 405.

The best I can tell is the is python-jenkins is doing a GET rather than a
POST when deleting nodes?

Anyone have a solution on how to get this to work? Obviously other users of
nodepool must have this working.

Thanks for any help!

Bob Hansen
z/VM OpenStack Enablement
Internal  620-3280,  External 607-429-3280
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