Hi everyone,

On Thursday, January 12th from approximately 20:00 through 20:30 UTC
Gerrit will be unavailable while we complete project renames.

Currently, we plan on renaming the following projects:

 Nomad -> Cyborg
  - openstack/nomad -> openstack/cyborg

 Nimble -> Mogan 
  - openstack/nimble -> openstack/mogan
  - openstack/python-nimbleclient -> openstack/python-moganclient
  - openstack/nimble-specs -> openstack/mogan-specs

Existing reviews, project watches, etc, for these projects will all be
carried over.

This list is subject to change. If you need a rename, please be sure
to get your project-config change in soon so we can review it and add
it to 

If you have any questions about the maintenance, please reply here or
contact us in #openstack-infra on freenode.


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