On 10/11/16 22:23, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
On 2016-11-10 09:19:32 +0000 (+0000), Marton Kiss wrote:
Jeremy, I can apply and test this patch in a current test environment, it
was sitting there for a while. Usually the config changes of askbot broke
the site.

If you get a chance, that would be a big help. I have logs from the
failed upgrade, but the gist is that the git resource provider
didn't update /srv/dist/askbot (Puppet's log never even mentions it
trying to do so) and then then migrate command threw:

    AttributeError: 'Settings' object has no attribute 'ASKBOT_MULTILINGUAL'

Which their upgrade FAQ says is an indication that the urls.py
template needs to be updated (and that makes sense given that the
git repo never moved to the newer commit we specified). I mulled
over possibilities with others in #openstack-infra, and Spencer
suggested that latest=>true may be causing calls into the provider
to short-circuit since it always returns true if a commit or tag is
passed. The next round, I was going to try dropping that from the
commit and tag cases in puppet-askbot and seeing if it helps.


This problem (legitimate users having all posts flatly rejected as spam) is still happening. Any progress?

I've been doing what I can without access to the server, but my latest attempt - completely deleting an account so it could be re-created by the affected user - was thwarted by a 500 error. Did that appear in the logs?



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