Hi! First, thanks everyone for getting things into storyboard and
helping us get started parallelizing and tracking the work. It's already
paying dividends.

In the past, I suggested that everyone use this work board:


The reality is that work boards are a bit confusing and they require
ACL's, so it's just making things harder to ask everyone to use it. So I
want to clarify: This is a tool to track Zuul v3's journey to
operational feasibility. In theory, you can look there and find a story
or task that is ready for working toward that goal. But don't worry too
much about keeping it up to date. I'll be watching the items on the
board and moving cards around as needed if you don't want to. If you
want to help, ping me on #zuul and I can give you access.

However, if you just want to work on Zuul v3, I highly recommend picking
a story from the Todo on that board. Assign a task to yourself, and then
please reference it in your commits like this:

Story: #######
Task: ####

If something from Backlog catches your eye, you may want to discuss it
with jeblair first, as the situation is fluid and things in backlog may
change. Once Jim's on board, I'd appreciate a ping so I can update the
board and move the story you're working on accordingly.

Finally, https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000773 is an epic
story centered around re-enabling Zuul's tests that have been skipped
during heavy refactoring. As the description suggests, if you see a test
that is being skipped that you want to re-enable, please check in the
story first, as the fix may already be in flight. If you don't see it
as a task, then go ahead and add one and assign yourself.


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