Yes, we can although I don't know how to do that. CC-ing the infra team since I 
believe they have access to that.

My guess is that the people who pay attention to IRC have already voted because 
I'd expect them to be the most involved set of folks anyway. But probably 
adding there a link to
 won't hurt for sure.

Probably a message to the General and -dev mailing lists also would help move 
the needle (sending one now).


-----Original Message-----
From: "Alan Clark" <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2015 7:23pm
"Stefano Maffulli" <>, "Thierry Carrez" 
Subject: Re: Elections: Could we set the IRC topic?.

Stef, Thierry 

A suggestion:  Could we set the IRC topic, at end of mtgs (aka header) on the 
appropriate channels to "Get out and vote today!" 

Seems like meeting, meeting-alt, community, dev would be great targets.

I'll be happy if people start complaining that we are spamming them about 
voting :-)


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