
From: Arx Cruz []
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2014 4:21 PM
To: Dane Leblanc (leblancd)
Subject: Re: [OpenStack-Infra] [openstack-dev] [infra] zuul layout.yaml config 
for trigger on rechecks


Which version of zuul are you using? I know it has a few changes in gerrit and 
zuul needs to be in the latest version.

<dane> Zuul version:

Also, can you run zuul manually (I think there's a option to not run as a 
daemon) and see if there's some parser error in the yaml file.
Are you running the zuul-merger daemon as well right?
<dane> I had been running it in the non-daemon (manual), non-quiet mode, and 
didn’t see any errors. (I switched to the daemon mode earlier today just to 
eliminate that variable).  Yes, I’m running the zuul-merger, as a daemon. The 
zuul-merger appears to be the same version ( The Jenkins Gearman 
plugin that I’m using is 0.0.6.
Kind regards,
Arx Cruz

On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 4:57 PM, Dane Leblanc (leblancd) 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Arx:

Thanks for responding. I tried making a couple of changes to make my yaml file 
look more like yours (removed the “precedence: low”, removed the 
event/comment_filter for the generic “recheck…”, used a ‘-‘ instead of space in 
the custom recheck, but let the “verified” fields in). I’m still not seeing 
jobs getting triggered from the pipeline.  Here’s my current yaml:

I’m still stumped.


From: Arx Cruz [<>]
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2014 2:46 PM
To: Dane Leblanc (leblancd)
Subject: Re: [OpenStack-Infra] [openstack-dev] [infra] zuul layout.yaml config 
for trigger on rechecks

Mine works well, here's mine layout.yaml:
Kind regards,
Arx Cruz

On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 3:16 PM, Dane Leblanc (leblancd) 
<<>> wrote:

I’m trying to get a 3rd party test setup to trigger on “recheck no bug”, 
“recheck bug #####”, etc. along with a custom, vendor-specific “recheck cisco”.

I’ve set up the gerrit trigger in the layout.yaml with regex’s which I believe 
should match the recheck comments.  The layout.yaml is listed in this paste:

The layout.yaml works perfectly for “patchset-created” events. However, for 
“comment-added” events with comments of the expected form (“recheck …”), I’m 
not seeing any jobs triggered from the IndependentPipelineManager.  I’ve 
included a snippet from the debug.log for a sample “recheck cisco” comment.

Is there something I’m missing (or have incorrect) in the layout.yaml?

Thanks for any guidance!

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