I just noticed that this conversation moved off-list last week.

Figuring out how to deal with alpha releases is important for Oslo for
Juno. Should I propose a summit session, or do you think we can work this
out in email?

On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 6:42 PM, Doug Hellmann

> On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 6:05 PM, Clark Boylan <clark.boy...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 2:42 PM, Doug Hellmann
>> <doug.hellm...@dreamhost.com> wrote:
>> > One of the things I've been thinking about for Juno and beyond is how
>> Oslo
>> > will make new features available to consuming projects safely (i.e.,
>> without
>> > publishing official releases weekly in a way that might break stable
>> > branches). I know that at one point we talked about publishing alpha
>> > releases as wheels to PyPI so that developers could see them when they
>> run
>> > their unit tests locally. Is that still the best solution to the
>> problem? Do
>> > we have the tools we need to make that work?
>> >
>> > Doug
>> >
>> >
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>> Wheels aren't really useful until pip >=1.5 because it will use them
>> by default if it can find them. In older versions of pip you need to
>> set special flags and stuff to make pip use wheels. As a result the
>> ideal solution is we start using latest pip then we can publish and
>> consume wheels without much work (important for making sure we are
>> publishing useable packages). Ideally we would get new pip for free
>> with latest tox, but latest tox broke our tox.ini files so that hasn't
>> happend. If we want to manage pip for tox (which is probably going to
>> be painful) we could go down that route to publish and consume wheels.
>> At one point there was hope that tox would become compatible with us
>> but after talking with upstream it looks like we will need to edit our
>> tox.ini files to use latest tox. I wouldn't count on new tox being in
>> use any time soon. That leaves us with attempting to get new pip via
>> some other method.
>> Clark
> Or doing something other than wheels, I'm not tied to that approach. I
> thought wheels solved a problem with older versions of pip, rather than
> introducing one.
> The previous attempt to do this was based on installing from tarball
> snapshots. That's not a very attractive approach, though, so I don't think
> we want to go that way.
> How about publishing alpha sdist packages somewhere other than PyPI?
> Doug
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