On 31/03/14 11:15, Ying Chun Guo wrote:

In order to support the build of Korean documents, I need to add Korean
fonts to the document build server.
I'd like to understand how to implement it.

Now the maven tool to build documents only includes a few fonts.
Korean font is not there.
But the maven tool has the ability to use local font files, by adding
the following to pom.xml for the clouddocs-maven-plugin:

So in order to support build of Korean document, I need to add Korean
font files to document build server.
Please guide me how to do it.

I believe it's just a matter of getting the following packages installed via some patch to the puppet scripts, right?

ttf-nanum-coding - Nanum Coding fixed width Korean TrueType font

fonts-nanum and fonts-nanum-extra - Nanum and additional Nanum Korean fonts

(from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fonts#Chinese.2C_Japanese.2C_and_Korean_Fonts)

We can then refer to them from their standard system locations eg /usr/share/fonts/truetype/nanum/



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