> On May 19, 2017, at 9:37 AM, Alexandra Settle <a.set...@outlook.com> wrote:
> From: Doug Hellmann <d...@doughellmann.com <mailto:d...@doughellmann.com>>
> Date: Friday, May 19, 2017 at 2:33 PM
> To: Anne Gentle <annegen...@justwriteclick.com 
> <mailto:annegen...@justwriteclick.com>>
> Cc: Alexandra Settle <a.set...@outlook.com <mailto:a.set...@outlook.com>>, 
> Openstack-doc-core <openstack-doc-core@lists.launchpad.net 
> <mailto:openstack-doc-core@lists.launchpad.net>>, Mike Perez 
> <thin...@gmail.com <mailto:thin...@gmail.com>>
> Subject: Re: [Openstack-doc-core] [openstack-doc-core] Summit update
> On May 18, 2017, at 7:17 PM, Anne Gentle <annegen...@justwriteclick.com 
> <mailto:annegen...@justwriteclick.com>> wrote:
> On Wed, May 17, 2017 at 5:42 AM, Alexandra Settle <a.set...@outlook.com 
> <mailto:a.set...@outlook.com>> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Before I send out my summary email to the greater mailing lists, I felt I 
> should reach out to you all first as the gate keepers of the documentation 
> project.
> As we all know, we are rapidly losing key contributors and core reviewers. We 
> are not alone, this is happening across the board. It is making things 
> harder, but not impossible. Since our inception in 2010, we’ve been climbing 
> higher and higher trying to achieve the best documentation we could, and 
> uphold our high standards. This is something to be incredibly proud of.
> However, we now need to take a step back and realise that the amount of work 
> we are attempting to maintain is now out of reach for the team size that we 
> have. At the moment we have 13 cores, of which none are full time 
> contributors or reviewers. This includes myself.
> That being said! I have spent the last week at the summit talking to some of 
> our leaders, including Doug Hellmann (cc’d), Jonathan Bryce and Mike Perez 
> regarding the future of the project. Between myself and other community 
> members, we have been drafting plans and coming up with a new direction that 
> will hopefully be sustainable in the long-term.
> I am interested to hear your thoughts. I want to make sure that everyone 
> feels that we’re headed in the right direction first and foremost. All of 
> these action items are documented in this WIP etherpad: 
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/doc-planning 
> <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/doc-planning>
> Here’s a few action items I’d like to highlight:
> 1.       We have a detailed outline in the above etherpad 
> <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/doc-planning> on the action items going 
> forward with the Installation Guide.
> a.       Send email to the openstack-dev mailing list requesting input with 
> regards to the project-specific installation guide move:
>                                                                 i.      
> Request solutions from the remaining teams that are pushing back against 
> in-tree content.
>                                                                ii.      Agree 
> upon long-term maintenance solution for Installation Guide.
> 2.       In the Administration and Operations Guide session 
> <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/admin-ops-guides> we asked operators what 
> they wanted and how they wanted to go forward. Through a vote in the room, 
> operators agreed that they would like to see the Operations Guide moved out 
> of the openstack-manuals repo, and placed into the OpenStack wiki 
> <http://wiki.openstack.org/> for their own maintenance. We lose ownership, 
> but we also empower the operators to maintain their own guide.
> Sounds fine, though who will do the migration? I'd also make sure it's not 
> only the people in the room who traveled that get a vote.
> What’s driving the request to use the wiki, instead of continuing to maintain 
> the guide in gerrit?
> Historically, we have tried time and time again to get operators to commit 
> and help maintain the guide in gerrit. This doesn’t work, they don’t want to 
> use/setup git and gerrit. So, since we’ve essentially been maintaining two 
> operators guides (Admin and Ops), I was interested to know who used them, and 
> why, and how.
> When I asked the room what they preferred using, a lot of the answers were 
> things like Confluence, Google Docs, etc. To keep this open source, and in 
> the OpenStack community, I suggested the OpenStack wiki.
> The session revealed that operators were mainly using the Admin Guide, but 
> used the Ops Guide when learning. They would be happy to look after the guide 
> in an unofficial capacity, and at the time believed it would be more likely 
> updated if the operators had the power to do so without having to setup the 
> contribution system.
> Admittedly, they were concerned that there would be no version control.

Yeah, that seems like it would be a challenge.

Maybe a few of the potential new maintainers can do the migration. That would 
give them a chance to decide how to organize the content, and work out some of 
the issues with editing something so large in the wiki.

> 3.       Work on improving the config ref auto-generation files using sphinx 
> extensions:
> a.       Move away from using the flagmapping files (reduce manual labour)
> b.       See: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/config-ref-spec 
> <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/config-ref-spec>
> Yay. 
> 4.       Ensure the CLI ref is documenting the unified client (move to the 
> OSC repo).
> Does this mean stop creating the nova CLI ref and so on? Sounds good to me. 
> 5.       Implement the archiving solution for the Pike release.
> Do we have someone assigned now?
> 6.       After the Pike release, include a note on the Architecture Guide and 
> cease edits after that point in time.
> Can this also go to the wiki or no? Not sure why this one stays for Pike? 
> 7.       After a period of time, any documents that are not being maintained, 
> or groups have not taken ownership (Examples: Security, HA, and Networking 
> Guides), they will be moved out of the openstack-manuals repo and onto the 
> Legacy list.
> These action items will free up the documentation team to become gate keepers 
> and reviewers of documentation. Our key focus as a team will be on the 
> tooling for the docs.openstack.org <http://docs.openstack.org/> site 
> (including the API docs).
> Sounds like the natural next step.
> I’m really interested to hear everyone’s thoughts going forward – this is not 
> set in stone. We need to change our strategy, and now is the time. If you’d 
> rather reach out and discuss this personally,asettle on IRC is always the 
> best place to find me.
> Thanks,
> Alex
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