On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 9:17 AM, Alexandra Settle <a.set...@outlook.com>

> Andreas:
>     > Yay on the no drops.
>     > Regarding addition: I'm seeing cores as a *team* - even if many of us
>     > work on our own, we interact with each other and need help from
> others.
>     > I'd like cores to collaborate - so attending IRC meetings and taking
>     > part in discussions. How to encourage these to engage more? At least
>     > let's each of them ask for a self-intro on the mailing list if they
>     > become core...
>     > Abstaining for now on the addition,
> I would like to add a suggestion to that – if an individual appears on
> these lists, is put forward for core, not only do we request that cores
> attend IRC meetings, discussions on the mailing list, but that they also
> have at least once taken on the bug triager responsibility for Launchpad.
> Anne:
>    > I'd like some discussion about how best to onboard new cores -
> Andreas is onto something with an introduction to the mailing list.
>    > Do they want to be cores? Do they know their stats are being watched
> for this?
> This is a really good discussion we should be having. We are losing cores
> rapidly due to other commitments. Maybe we could introduce something to the
> Contributor Guide along the lines of “So you want to become a core” within
> the “documentation team structure” section. However, this might not be as
> visible as we would like, and a little confusing to find.

We have this -

> I have been thinking that we need to start introducing a better structure
> to the ‘this is your first week working on manuals’. I would like to
> publish something similar to a blog post on SuperUser, and perhaps add a
> new chapter to the Contributor Guide on ‘your first week’ with tips and
> instructions (Day Two: Find some low hanging fruit bugs, here’s a link).
These are good ideas, but there's still an outreach component that usually
comes from the PTL, to ask individuals their goals and guide them towards
meaningful contributions.

> Unlike other projects, we get a lot of first timers with little-to-no
> upstream and dev experience and we cannot continue to assume they are just
> going to read the contributor guide and ‘dive right in’ like we have in the
> past.

Yep, agreed.

> Just some thoughts ☺
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