Le 20/12/2016 10:26, Sylvain Bauza a écrit :
> Le 20/12/2016 10:20, Chris Dent a écrit :
>> On Tue, 20 Dec 2016, Sylvain Bauza wrote:
>>> Before moving forward and picking yet another port that could trample
>>> another service, I'd rather prefer first that Senlin jobs would
>>> temporarely disable the placement-* services so that the gate would be
>>> happy, while in the same time we try to identify a free port number that
>>> the placement API can safely bind.
>> Another option here may be to not have the placement api bind to two
>> ports. The current set up binds 8778 with the API at /, but what's
>> registered in the service catalog is port 80 with the API at
>> /placement.
>> So perhaps only use the and disable the
>> virtualhost that listens on 8778?
>> I'd experiment with this myself but I'm going to be away from a
>> compute all day. If people think it is a good idea but nobody has a
>> chance to do it today I'll look into it tomorrow.
> Oh good catch. Since we register the service catalog with port 80, then
> there is no reason to consume an application port.
> Chris, don't worry, I'll play with that today.

So, after some investigation, I totally understand why we're using
virtualhosts for running the WSGI apps corresponding to each service,
since we want to keep the service catalog entries unchanged if the
operator wants to move from eventlet to mod_wsgi.

Given that devstack was deploying a service catalog entry pointing to
HTTP port, should we just assume to drop the use of port 8778 ?
I'm a bit afraid of any possible impact it could have for operators
using the placement API with the virtualhost support which also provide
a WSGI daemon mode compared to the embedded mode that is executing calls
to :80/placement...

Thoughts ? I mean, I can do the cut and drop that, but that will
certainly have impact for other deployers that were reproducing the
devstack install, like for TripleO :


> -Sylvain
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