Le 06/12/2016 22:02, Ed Leafe a écrit :
> On Dec 6, 2016, at 2:42 PM, Jay Pipes <jaypi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Oh, absolutely, I wasn't arguing about length of URI or anything.
>> To be clear, I could either go the above route or even do a POST 
>> /resource_providers that returns a list of resource providers instead of 
>> creating a resource provider. Don't mind either way.
>> But, we should definitely agree on which this is going to be ASAP.
> http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/api-wg/guidelines/uri.html#complex-queries
> There is no compelling reason that anyone has put forth for using POST; they 
> all seem to boil down to “I prefer it”, without any good technical reasoning 
> behind it. Since this is new development, we should be good OpenStack 
> citizens and ensure that our APIs are consistent with the rest of OpenStack.

Just to be clear, there was a consensus between Matt, Laski, Dan and I
having a POST method instead of having a GET one.

I provided a POST method for a new resource called "claim" but okay, I
can try to modify my change using POST /resource_provider returning a 200.


> -- Ed Leafe
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