Hi folks!

I'm happy to announce our new chats at gitter.im :

- https://gitter.im/rally-dev/Lobby      # main chat for regular
- https://gitter.im/rally-dev/statuses  # chat for gerrit notifications

These chats are configured with a simple bot which syncs messages between
Gitter and IRC, so we do not plan to abandon our #openstack-rally Freenode
channel and you can choose the best messenger for yourself.

Long story:
I had a talk with several guys some time ago and they mentioned that IRC is
not convenient for them enough, even with modern clients like IRCCloud (it
is not an advertisement:) ). Also, this topic was raised at Rally work
session at Barcelona and we discussed it at our weekly meetings too.

Why Gitter?
Gitter is a free service from GitHub, so you can use you GitHub account for
authentication (everyone has GitHub account) or you can use your twitter
account. It provides convenient chats with avatars, quoting, markdown and
etc. You do not need an invitation for join us - just go to
https://gitter.im/rally-dev/Lobby and push "join room" button.
Also, if you want, you can use Gitter IRC tunnel (actually, you do not need
it, you can continue use #openstack-rally Freenode channel).

Why not slack?
Slack is good enough and it is used by another big community - Kubernetes,
but, imho, it has at least several limitations: you need to be invited for
joining "organization"; the way of switching between organizations are not
good enough.

Best regards,
Andrey Kurilin.
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