Hi Ihar,

> I am puzzled. Is Neutron the only component that need to call to dom0?

No it's not.  Nova has similar code to call plugins in dom0[1], and Ceilometer 
will also need to make the calls for some metrics not exposed through the 
formal API.

We don't want code duplication, and are working on a common os-xenapi library 
which will include session management.
It would, of course, make sense for Neutron to use this common library when it 
is available to replace the session management already existing[2], but I'd 
argue that as there is existing XenAPI session management code, the refactor to 
avoid using a per-command rootwrap should be independent of using the session 
code from os-xenapi.

> I would think that Neutron is not in business of handling hypervisor 
> privilege isolation mechanics, and that
> some other components will handle that for Neutron (and other services that 
> may need it), that’s why I
> suggested to consider oslo.* realm for the proposed code.

This is less about hypervisor privilege isolation and more about the location 
of the logical component being updated.  Neutron is assuming that the OVS being 
updated is running in the same location as Neutron itself.  For XenAPI that is 
not true; the OVS is running in the hypervisor, whereas Neutron is running in a 
VM (or potentially elsewhere entirely).

If oslo.* is going to decide whether to run a command using a specific 
abstraction or locally, then it would need some way of making that decision - 
perhaps either command-based (very ugly and fragile) or with the caller telling 
oslo.* what logical component was being affected by the call.  The latter 
sounds to me much more as a Neutron-specific decision.

> Side note: if we are going to make drastic changes to existing Xen-wrap 
> script, we should first have Xen
> third-party CI testing running against it, not to introduce regressions. 
> AFAIK it’s not happening right now.

It already is running, and has been for several months - see "Citrix XenServer 
CI"s "dsvm-tempest-neutron-network" job on 
https://review.openstack.org/#/c/391308/ as an example.  The CI is non-voting 
but if it were added to the neutron-ci group we would be very happy to make it 


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