Le 01/11/2016 15:14, Alex Xu a écrit :
Currently we only update the resource usage with Placement API in the instance claim and the available resource update periodic task. But there is no claim for migration with placement API yet. This works is tracked by https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1621709. In newton, we only fix one bit which make the resource update periodic task works correctly, then it will auto-heal everything. For the migration claim part, that isn't the goal for newton release.

To be clear, there are two distinct points :
#1 there are MoveClaim objects that are synchronously made on resize (and cold-migrate) and rebuild (and evacuate), but there is no claim done by the live-migration path. There is a long-standing bugfix https://review.openstack.org/#/c/244489/ that's been tracked by https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1289064

#2 all those claim operations don't trigger an allocation request to the placement API, while the regular boot operation does (hence your bug report).

So the first question is do we want to fix it in this release? If the answer is yes, there have a concern need to discuss.

I'd appreciate if we could merge first #1 before #2 because the placement API decisions could be wrong if we decide to only allocate for certain move operations.

In order to implement the drop of migration claim, the RT needs to remove allocation records on the specific RP(on the source/destination compute node). But there isn't any API can do that. The API about remove allocation records is 'DELETE /allocations/{consumer_uuid}', but it will delete all the allocation records for the consumer. So the initial fix(https://review.openstack.org/#/c/369172/) adds new API 'DELETE /resource_providers/{rp_uuid}/allocations/{consumer_id}'. But Chris Dent pointed out this against the original design. All the allocations for the specific consumer only can be dropped together.

There also have suggestion from Andrew, we can update all the allocation records for the consumer each time. That means the RT will build the original allocation records and new allocation records for the claim together, and put into one API. That API should be 'PUT /allocations/{consumer_uuid}'. Unfortunately that API doesn't replace all the allocation records for the consumer, it always amends the new allocation records for the consumer.

So which directly we should go at here?


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