Hi Yujun,

There is no limitation for the number of alarms from the same data source you 
can define in the template.
See the following examples:

Example 1: two different alarms definitions from the same data source

                - entity:
            category: ALARM
            type: nagios
            name: CPU load
            template_id: nagios_alarm_1
- entity:
            category: ALARM
            type: nagios
            name: Memory use
            template_id: nagios_alarm_2

Example 2: definition for a general alarm from specific data source

- entity:
            category: ALARM
            type: nagios
            template_id: nagios_alarm

Best regards,

From: Yujun Zhang [mailto:zhangyujun+...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2016 3:51 AM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [vitrage] reference a type of alarm in template

Hi, Liat,

Thanks for clarification. But my question still remains.

Under this definition (type <=> datasource), we can only refer to **one** alarm 
from each datasource in the template. Is it a limitation?

How should I refer two different aodh alarms in the template?

On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 10:24 PM Har-Tal, Liat (Nokia - IL) 
<liat.har-...@nokia.com<mailto:liat.har-...@nokia.com>> wrote:
Hi Yujun,

The template example you are looking at is invalid.
I added a new valid example (see the following link: 

As Elisha wrote, the ‘type’ field means the alarm type itself or in simple 
words where it was generated (Vitrage/Nagios/Zabbix/AODH)
The ‘name’ field is not mandatory and it describes the actual problem which the 
alarm was raised about.

In the example you can see two alarm types:

1.       Zabbix alarm - No use of “name” field:
     category: ALARM
     type: zabbix
     rawtext: Processor load is too high on {HOST.NAME<http://HOST.NAME>}
     template_id: zabbix_alarm

2.       Vitrage alarm
    category: ALARM
                    type: vitrage
                    name: CPU performance degradation
                    template_id: instance_alarm

One more point, in order to define an entity in the template, the only 
mandatory fields are:

•         template_id

•         category
All the other fields are optional and they are designed so that you more 
accurately define the entity.
Each alarm data source has its own set of fields you can use – we will add 
documentation for the in the future.

Best regards,
Liat Har-Tal

From: Yujun Zhang 
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2016 5:18 AM

To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [vitrage] reference a type of alarm in template

Hi, Elisha

There is no `name` in the template [1], and type is not one of 'nagios', 'aodh' 
and 'vitrage' in the examples [2].

        - entity:

            category: ALARM

            type: Free disk space is less than 20% on volume /

            template_id: host_alarm


On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 2:21 AM Rosensweig, Elisha (Nokia - IL) 
<elisha.rosensw...@nokia.com<mailto:elisha.rosensw...@nokia.com>> wrote:

The "type" means where it was generated - aodh, vitrage, nagios...

I think you are looking for"name", a field that describes the actual problem. 
We should add that to our documentation to clarify.

Sent from Nine<http://www.9folders.com/>
From: Yujun Zhang <zhangyujun+...@gmail.com<mailto:zhangyujun%2b...@gmail.com>>
Sent: Aug 15, 2016 16:10
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: [openstack-dev] [vitrage] reference a type of alarm in template

I have a question on how to reference a type of alarm in template so that we 
can build scenarios.

In the template sample [1], an alarm entity has three keys: `category`, `type` 
and `template_id`. It seems `type` is the only information to distinguish 
different alarms. However, when an alarm is raised by aodh, it seems all alarms 
are assigned entity type `aodh` [2], so are they shown in dashboard.

Suppose we have two different types of alarms from `aodh`, e.g. 
`volume.corrupt` and `volume.deleted`. How should I reference them separately 
in a template?




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