John Dickinson wrote:
> [...]
> I know the TC has no malicious intent here, and I do support the idea
> of having cross-project goals. The first goals proposed seem like
> great goals.  And I understand the significant challenges of
> coordinating goals between a multitude of different projects. However,
> I haven't yet added my own +1 to the proposed goals because the
> current process means that I am committing that every Swift project
> team contributor is now to prioritize that work above all else, no
> matter what is happening to their customers, their products, or their
> communities.
> [...]

I agree that the wording around "prioritization" is slightly suboptimal.
I think the intent here is that each project team commits to getting
that work done during the development cycle, barring exceptional

The way I see it, that doesn't mean you would prioritize that (as in "do
it first") over urgent things like fixing a bug that results in data
corruption or a significant vulnerability. It means it should be a
priority to get that done over the cycle. It should be seen as a "must
have" rather than a "nice to have" when you discuss cycle priorities.

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

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