
I fully support Dawid's promotion! Here is my +1 for Dawid.


I will be glad to see you in the Mistral core team.

On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 2:39 PM, Renat Akhmerov <>

> Hi,
> I’d like to promote Dawid Deja working at Intel (ddeja in IRC) to Mistral
> core reviewers.
> The reasons why I want to see Dawid in the core team is that he provides
> amazing, very thorough reviews.
> Just by looking at a few of them I was able to make a conclusion that he
> knows the system architecture very well
> although he started contributing actively not so long ago. He always sees
> things deeply, can examine a problem
> from different angles, demonstrates solid technical background in general.
> He is in top 5 reviewers now by a number
> of reviews and the only one who still doesn’t have core status. He also
> implemented several very important changes
> during Newton cycle. Some of them were in progress for more than a year
> (flexible RPC) but Dawid helped to knock
> them down elegantly.
> Besides purely professional skills that I just mentioned I also want to
> say that it’s a great pleasure to work with
> Dawid. He’s a bright cheerful guy and a good team player.
> Dawid’s statistics is here:
> I’m hoping for your support in making this promotion.
> Thanks
> Renat Akhmerov
> @Nokia
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