Hi team,

Do we have any decision on this issue? I've found few patches but both of
them are -1'ed.

>From Cinder perspective, it blocks us to release new os-brick with
features, which are needed for other projects like Cinder and

Ivan Kolodyazhny,

On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 5:47 PM, Matt Riedemann <mrie...@linux.vnet.ibm.com>

> On 6/21/2016 10:12 PM, Angus Lees wrote:
>> On Wed, 22 Jun 2016 at 05:59 Matt Riedemann <mrie...@linux.vnet.ibm.com
>> <mailto:mrie...@linux.vnet.ibm.com>> wrote:
>>     Angus, what should we be looking at from the privsep side for
>> debugging
>>     this?
>> The line above the screen-n-cpu.txt.gz failure you linked to is:
>> 2016-06-21 16:21:30.994
>> <
>> http://logs.openstack.org/85/331885/2/check/gate-grenade-dsvm-multinode/415e1bc/logs/new/screen-n-cpu.txt.gz?level=TRACE#_2016-06-21_16_21_30_994
>> >1840
>> WARNING oslo.privsep.daemon [-] privsep log:
>> /usr/local/bin/nova-rootwrap: Unauthorized command: privsep-helper
>> --config-file /etc/nova/nova.conf --privsep_context
>> os_brick.privileged.default --privsep_sock_path
>> /tmp/tmpV5w2VC/privsep.sock (no filter matched)
>>  .. so nova-rootwrap is rejecting the privsep-helper command line
>> because no filter matched.  This indicates the nova compute.filters file
>> has not been updated, or is incorrect.
>> As was later pointed out by mtreinish, grenade is attempting to run the
>> newton code against mitaka configs, and this includes using mitaka
>> rootwrap filters.   Unfortunately, the change to add privsep to nova's
>> rootwrap filters wasn't approved until the newton cycle (so that all the
>> os-brick privsep-related changes could be approved together), and so
>> this doesn't Just Work.
>> Digging in further, it appears that there *is* a mechanism in grenade to
>> upgrade rootwrap filters between major releases, but this needs to be
>> explicitly updated for each project+release and hasn't been for
>> nova+mitaka->newton.  I'm not sure how this is *meant* to work, since
>> the grenade "theory of upgrade" doesn't mention when configs should be
>> updated - the only mechanism provided is an "exception ... used
>> sparingly."
> As noted in the review, my understanding of the config changes is
> deprecation of options across release boundaries so that you can't drop a
> config option that would break someone from release to release without it
> being deprecated first. So deprecate option foo in mitaka, people upgrading
> from liberty to mitaka aren't broken, but they get warnings in mitaka so
> that when you drop the option in newton it's not a surprise and consumers
> should have adjusted during mitaka.
> For rootwrap filters I agree this is more complicated.
>> Anyway, I added an upgrade step for nova mitaka->newton that updates
>> rootwrap filters appropriately(*).  Again, I'm not sure what this
>> communicates to deployers compared to cinder (which *did* have the
>> updated rootwrap filter merged in mitaka, but of course that update
>> still needs to be installed at some point).
>> (*) https://review.openstack.org/#/c/332610
>>  - Gus
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> Alternatively Walter had a potential workaround to fallback to rootwrap
> for os-brick:
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/329586/
> So we could maybe use that for newton. But os-vif doesn't have anything
> like that, so we'd have to see what kind of (immediately deprecated)
> workaround could happen for os-vif in newton and then drop that in ocata.
> I'm told danpb is out until tomorrow though so we'll probably need to wait
> to talk to him about options there.
> --
> Thanks,
> Matt Riedemann
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