Hi Wally.

You can follow these instructions [1] to install from source
code (use the stable/mitaka branch when you'll clone).

Although, this guide is under the developer url, it's built for
operators. Keep in mind that you need Neutron/LBaaS V1.

Additionally there is this [2] puppet module.

Please share your experience.


[2] https://github.com/openstack/puppet-magnum

On 10 June 2016 at 06:26, zhihao wang <wangzhihao...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Openstack Dev Members:
> I would like to install the Magnum on OpenStack to manage Docker
> Containers.
> I have a openstack Liberty production setup. one controller node, and a
> few compute nodes.
> I am wondering how can I install Openstack Magnum on OpenStack Liberty on
> distributed production environment (1 controller node and some compute
> nodes)?
> I know I can install Magnum using desstack, but I dont want the developer
> version,
> Is there a way/guide to install it on production environment?
> Thanks
> Wally
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