Magnum Team,

In accordance with our Fishbowl discussion yesterday at the Newton Design 
Summit in Austin, I have proposed the following revision to Magnum’s mission 

The idea is to narrow the scope of our Magnum project to allow us to focus on 
making popular COE software work great with OpenStack, and make it easy for 
OpenStack cloud users to quickly set up fleets of cloud capacity managed by 
chosen COE software (such as Swam, Kubernetes, Mesos, etc.). Cloud operators 
and users will value Multi-Tenancy for COE’s, tight integration with OpenStack, 
and the ability to source this all as a self-service resource.

We agreed to deprecate and remove the /containers resource from Magnum’s API, 
and will leave the door open for a new OpenStack project with its own name and 
mission to satisfy the interests of our community members who want an OpenStack 
API service that abstracts one or more COE’s.


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