Hi all 

I am trying to organize a new module called "Cloudlet" in OpenStack. At the 
Product Working Group and after discussions with Infrastructure team decided to 
start putting together pieces of past work and plan for new "Cloudlet" project 
for Edge Cloud Services using Cloudlet in OpenStack.

As you all know OpenStack is a loosely coupled  Infrastructure services that 
include  compute, networking , storage and some global services like ID 
Management, End Point Management and Image Management services binding them 
together to serve the Cloud Administrators and Application administrators or 
end users.
OpenStack serves a Central or Core Cloud, Can it serve Edge Cloud?

An Edge Cloud Service is one at the  Edge(Provider {Data Center close to Base 
Station}or Customer Premise{WiFi Access Point ) Gateway  and serves the mobile 
or nomadic user clients through a VM (or composition of VMs) who are authorized 
to use them by the Provider. This Edge Service through Cloudlet  may be a free 
or paid service as the Provider chooses.
Provider uses a standard base VM. We will use VM built from Ubuntu14.04  or 
Centos 7.3 with minimum 4 or 8GB foot print.These VMs will have running 
applications within it to service the provider offer to the customer.
Two commercial use cases we consider:1. Smart City Garbage Collection services 
for the City of San Jose, California
2. Forest Fire Fighting for state of California.
These are typical utility services for Smart City all over the world as well 
disaster prevention due to various natural calamity.One can have slow response 
times where as the other requires real time response, the orders of hours to 
minutes is what we state for simplicity but actual applications may seek better 
latency and through puts as they evolve. Here the idea is to derive work flow 
and see what APIs will be needed to fulfill these requirements.
We can have a doodle pole once I know how many folks are interested and when 
shall we meet?
Agenda for irc meetin on #openstck-dev
1. What is the state of Cloudlet in world todaya. Open Edge Computing & OPNFV
b. OpenFogc. Do the use cases listed above is good start point review specs and 
codes used by OpenStack++ by CMUd.Should we proceed with new project Cloudlet & 
what was Gap analysis feedback from PTLs and cross project teams at Product 
WOrking Group.e. Who are willing to volunteer to get the new "Cloudlet" module 
as initial committers  and contributors?f. Any other items missed and finally 
Action Items  and plan for next meet (irc)
Please send your feedback and we will try get O4 requirements of OpenStack 
before ensuring Cloudlet gets its due at next Barcelona Summit.

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