This has been discussed (just now) in the release management plan 
( See point 8 under 
Communication/Governance Changes. From an immediate standpoint, the RC phase of 
this cycle will be much stricter to prevent late breakages. Going forward, 
we’re likely going to establish an earlier feature freeze too, pending 
community discussion.

On a separate note, this email prompted me to scan the governance for the 
dashboard plugins and it became apparent that several have changed their 
release tags, without informing Horizon of this release cadence expectation via 
IRC, email, or our plugin feedback fishbowl. If we are to continue building a 
good plugin ecosystem, the plugins *must* communicate their expectations to us 
upstream; we do not have the time to monitor every plugin.


On 29 Apr 2016, at 11:26, Amrith Kumar 
<<>> wrote:

In the Trove review of the release schedule this morning, and in the 
retrospective of the mitaka release process, one question which was raised was 
the linkage between projects like Trove and Horizon.

This came up in the specific context of the fact that projects like Trove (in 
the form of the trove-dashboard repository) late in the Mitaka cycle[3]. Late 
in the Mitaka cycle, a change in Horizon caused Trove to break very close to 
the feature freeze date.

So the question is whether we can assume that projects like Horizon will freeze 
in R-6 to ensure that (for example) Trove will freeze in R-5.



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