
fyi, i just got a ping about this effort:


They have a WG session:


On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 4:27 PM, Ed Leafe <e...@leafe.com> wrote:
> OK, so I know that Friday afternoons are usually the worst times to
> write a blog post and start an email discussion, and that the Friday
> immediately before a Summit is the absolute worst, but I did it anyway.
> http://blog.leafe.com/index.php/2016/04/22/distributed_data_nova/
> Summary: we are creating way too much complexity by trying to make Nova
> handle things that are best handled by a distributed database. The
> recent split of the Nova DB into an API database and separate cell
> databases is the glaring example of going down the wrong road.
> Anyway, read it on your flight (or, in my case, drive) to Austin, and
> feel free to pull me aside to explain just how wrong I am. ;-)
> --
> -- Ed Leafe
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