This morning we finally cleaned up the last warnings in api-ref, so now we can enforce errors on warnings. Woot! That went much faster than I anticipated, and puts us at a really good place for summit.
The next phase is the content verification phase. This patch is merging a set of comments at the top of every file that they need 4 types of verification - as described here: The expectation is that every file is going to see 4 (or more in complicated cases) patches. I tried to break these up into pretty concrete things to verify, so that they will be easy for content writers and reviewers. They should be done in the 1, 2, 3, 4 order for each file, but there is no need to a whole file to the end. You can do a bunch of 1s on files, then some 2s, etc. The idea is that in the patch in which you feel one of the verification phases is complete, also delete the needs:x_verification for that phase. That will let folks git grep for content that's not done yet. Also, check open patches before taking a unit to try to avoid duplicate effort with folks. This process will be a little slower, because it will be good to cross reference the content with the code to make sure it's right. For reviewers that are +1ing these patches, please just leave a comment that you've done that cross check so we know who is looking deep on these. We'll see how much progress we can make over the next couple of weeks, then will try to finish it all up with a virtual doc sprint a couple weeks after summit. Thanks again to everyone that's been helping we've already merged a ton of good fixes here - -Sean -- Sean Dague
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