Thanks for asking this. I forwarded this email to the new email list so that 
folks with better knowledge can answer this.

Thanks and have a great day.


Michael Xin | Manager, Security Engineering - US
Product Security  |Rackspace Hosting
Office #: 501-7341   or  210-312-7341
Mobile #: 210-284-8674
5000 Walzem Road, San Antonio, Tx 78218
Experience fanatical support

From: Matt Fischer <<>>
Date: Monday, April 11, 2016 at 9:19 AM
Subject: [Openstack-security] abandoned OSSNs?

Some folks from our security team here asked me to ensure them that our 
services were patched for all the OSSNs that are listed here:

Most of these are straight-forward, but there are some OSSNs that have been 
allocated an ID but then abandoned. There is no detailed wiki page and my best 
google efforts lead me to a possible IRC mention and maybe an abandoned review. 
The two specifically are OSSN-50/51.

So what am I to do with an "abandoned" OSSN? Has it been decided that there is 
no issue anymore? These are pretty old if I look at the dates framing the other 
OSSNs (49/52), so I assume they aren't urgent. Can we ignore these? They sound 
somewhat scary, for example, "keystonemiddleware can allow access after token 
revocation" but I have no means to say whether it affects us or how we can 
mitigate without more info.

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