Hi Rubab, I'm not that knowledge on networking/neutron, and still in learn 
mode, but it sounds like it would be useful. This is an area that I am starting 
to get more involved with. There is a potential design summit session that 
Armando and I are looking into hosting on monitoring Neutron.

Ceilosca was just a name that we created as a combination of Ceilometer and 
Monasca. There isn't an official Ceilosca project/repo. However, there is a 
repo called monasca-ceilometer at, 
https://github.com/openstack/monasca-ceilometer, which contains a Ceilometer 
publisher, that translates/sends samples to the Monasca API. The repo also 
contains a storage driver that allows you to use Monasca as a backend for 
Ceilometer. This code is quite stable, has undergone an extensive amount of 
testing and is ready for deployment.

Regards --Roland

From: Rubab Syed <rubab.sye...@gmail.com<mailto:rubab.sye...@gmail.com>>
Reply-To: OpenStack List 
Date: Tuesday, March 1, 2016 at 9:25 AM
To: OpenStack List 
Subject: [openstack-dev] [Ceilosca][Neutron][Monasca]

Hi all,

I'm planning to write a plugin for Monasca that would enable router's traffic 
monitoring per subnet per tenant. For that purpose, I'm using Neutron l3 
metering extension [1] that allows you to filter traffic based on CIDRs.

My concerns:

- Now given the fact that this extension can be used to create labels and rules 
for particular set of IPs and ceilometer can be used to meter the bandwidth 
based on this data and monasca publisher for ceilometer is also available, 
would that plugin be useful somehow? Where are we at ceilosca right now?

- Even though ceilometer allows to meter bandwidth at l3 level, we still have 
to create explicit labels and rules for all subnets attached to a router. In a 
production environment where there could be multiple routers belonging to 
multiple tenants, isn't it a bit of a work? I was wondering if I could automate 
the label and rule creation process. My script would automatically detect 
subnets and create rules per interface of router. It would help in ceilosca as 
well and can be used by the router plugin (given plugin is not redundant work). 

[1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Neutron/Metering/Bandwidth

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