This was discussed in the nova meeting today [1] but I need to make
everyone aware of it here too.
There will be no spec approvals for *new* things until after the summit.
We've been carrying a large backlog of specs/blueprints/priorities for
several releases now and need to start flushing some of that out of the
queue before taking on new debt.
So until after the summit (about the next 5 weeks), we're only
re-approving previously approved specs from mitaka. We already have 21
of those re-approved [2]. When you count specless blueprints, we already
have 29 approved blueprints for newton [3]. Several of those are just
mass cleanup efforts though.
This is our current list of open previously-approved specs [4]. I expect
a few more to show up in there with glance v2 and volume multi-attach.
Anyway, the big point here is we have too much stuff in the backlog and
we need to focus our attention at landing those things early in newton
before adding more new specs to the backlog.
There might be some exceptional cases of things that were nearly
approved but didn't land in mitaka due to nits, but have an obvious path
to landing early in Newton - those can be discussed on a case-by-case
basis (some of the scheduler work with resource providers and inventory
falls into this category).
But for the most part, expect that new specs will not be approved (or
reviewed really) until after the summit. People can still propose new
specs, but don't expect them to get much attention right now.
As for what *new* things we'll approve after the summit or how long
we'll have the window open for those, I don't know yet. We'll be
discussing that at the summit. Part of it is going to depend on what we
can get done in the next 4-5 weeks. I expect new specs related to
existing priorities are going to get, well, priority.
"But what do I do while waiting for my spec to be approved?", you ask.
Well, there are a few things:
* Help review the things that are approved so we can get the backlog to
shrink, since that's the top issue right now.
* Help with bug triage (another huge backlog issue is unresolved bugs
that need to be triaged again or potentially just closed now).
* Get POC code up for your spec.
* Help with some of the mass specless bp efforts, like config option
cleanup, removing mox usage, etc.
* Help with some of the testing gap efforts, like live migration or
latest libvirt+qemu.
I realize this isn't a popular stance, but the team really needs to
focus on clearing out the backlog of things that we've said repeatedly,
in some cases for several releases now, that we were going to make a
priority and still haven't gotten done.
Matt Riedemann
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)