Hi Zago,

On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 6:35 PM, Zaro <zaro0...@gmail.com> wrote:

> There is a new web and android interface that's being developed by
> guys at Google however it's not available on our version of Gerrit.  I
> think it probably won't be ready until Gerrit ver 2.13+
> web interface (polymer+gerrit = polygerrit):
> This interface is already very usable in Gerrit 2.12.  Currently it's
> only available on the gerrit-review.googlesource.com server.  If you
> like you can try it out by creating an account there and access this
> new UI is "https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/?polygerrit";.  I'm
> sure they would welcome your feedback.
UI of polygerrit looks better, but it is still unusable from mobile device

> The android interface will be announced soon it's still in early
> development at this time.

Which kind of interface it will be? Android app or web-based application
which should potentially work for other devices?

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